Brimstone is well known for a lot of reasons, but there is little question to his dedication and loyalty to Clan Plagueis. He keeps our email list active with DB inquiries and links to cool/funny Star Wars content around the web. He games. He was a champion marketer not only for his Fading Light RO team but all three of the Plagueis teams. He recently ran a DJB-wide competition approved by the Voice Staff, for which he organized pairs and remained in contact with all subscribers. And all of this happens, by and large, from his cell phone. Further, as a Battle Team Sergeant, Brimstone remains in communication with all of his team members. Plagueis’ teams are built around new members, so his involvement is crucial in keeping them active, engaged, and moving up in ranks. His recent success with Taranae’s knighthood and current success guiding Vassago prove that Brimstone is committed not only to himself but the clan and its future. This award serves as recognition for one of Plagueis’ leading stars. He is a face of Plagueis, and we’re proud to have him. ~ DA Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar, Rollmaster of Clan Plagueis
Lord Dacien Victae, 2014-04-03 17:31:30 UTC