Event Details

Event ID
Famosus Aspicio
Dark Cross
Requested by
Lord Dacien Victae
Primary reason

Even when Fam "goes away" as he planned to do when he stepped down, feeling the push and pull of real life on his free time, he still finds a way to chug along. Now being one of the biggest representatives for Plagueis in the TOR guild, he climbed up to officer where he helps new TOR people from both Plagueis and the Brotherhood as a whole become acclimated with the game. This is a service to the Clan that can not be understated. With Fam having told me personally the amount of free time change he had after he stepped down as Rollmaster many months ago, I'm amazed at his ability to fully commit to this aspect of Plagueis and the Brotherhood, helping to lead not only in SWTOR but as a whole to Plagueis. Truly a dedicated member. ~ SBM Teylas Ramar, Quaestor of House Ajunta Pall -> ---------- <- Despite having to step down as Rollmaster due to real-life obligations, Famosus has not let that deter his activity as a baseline member. He has earned just over 110 Clusters of Fire and two Pendants of Blood as one of Clan Plagueis’ most active SWTOR players, recently being promoted to the rank of Officer. Not only as an Officer but a Plagueis leader, he regularly offers assistance to new players (be they Plagueis or not) and old ones. Clan Plagueis is proud to have Famosus representing us on SWTOR and pleased to see his involvement in the clan and Brotherhood continues to be as strong as ever. Thank you, Fam ~ DA Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar, Rollmaster of Clan Plagueis

Lord Dacien Victae, 2014-04-03 21:33:42 UTC