Event Details

Event ID
Armags C'Hiesa
Steel Cross
Requested by
Kaz Raith
Primary reason

Since the start of the year, Armags has amassed a staggering amount of personal awards: crescents, clusters, pendants of blood, this man has it all. However, these awards are only a minuscule part of his activity. Armags has been an absolute monster when it comes to the gaming side of things. Being one of the two members that is personally responsible for the renewed vigor experienced by our ToR-playing members. Armags had been actively and constructively utilizing his officer role in the Brotherhood guild to help members find their way in the game, whether by getting their characters up to speed and ready for end-game content or by gathering players together to tackle said end-game content. Mind you, he does this all on his own initiative with very little input from superiors. This independence and proactive attitude is a key point in the Brotherhood's "leaders of tomorrow". One could even say that Armags has become one of the central pillars of the ToR-guild, and that it would have probably have been shut down without his constant presence and helpful attitude.

Armags not only shows activity for his unit, but contributes to the club as a whole by being there as a guiding light for our gaming community, I feel that it is appropriate that we see Armags being awarded with a Steel Cross as a small token of our appreciation for his efforts.

Private words from Kazmir: Armags, it is always good to see a former apprentice flourish and become a pillar of our community. I am happy to have had a hand in your continued growth in this club, and I am proud that my name is associated with yours. Keep doing what you do.

Kaz Raith, 2014-04-27 20:09:08 UTC