Event Details

Event ID
Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Diamond Sword
Requested by
Master Gavriel Kadesh
Primary reason

The Diamond Sword is awarded to members who have shown an impressive array of talents and qualities over a continued period of time. Telaris "Mav" Cantor has been displaying his impressive array of talents and qualities for over 17 years and it is past time for his armory to include the Diamond Sword. The Antei Combat Center fell into disarray and participation dropped to an all time low of 2 matches per month during 2012. This dramatic decrease in the ACC's role in our club occurred during our transition from a gaming club into a writing focused organization. The ACC's decline timed with our dramatic shift towards writing indicated a drastic change in the way we conducted business was needed. Mav served as the catalyst of that drastic change and ushered our entire club through dramatic changes. Character sheets morphed from simple stat based place holders into story enhancing character descriptions, ACC qualifications morphed from a long drawn out process into a streamlined ACC experience, and the ACC morphed from a technical rules based writing process into a entertaining story of combat. Mav's dedication on character sheets and the ACC have spanned over a years worth of effort and his contributions have made our club a better place. Mav, thanks for all you have done and for the improvements you have brought to our club. - Grand Master Sarin

One of the things I often cite as a rare trait these days is the ability for someone to simply do what they say they will do. Once upon a time this used to be the norm. These days it seems to be the exception. During Mav's tenure as Combat Master I'm pleased to say we have another rare instance of the former rather than the latter. It took a while, there were bumps along the way, but in the end Mav got it done and to the standard we set for him.

For keeping his word and doing what he said he would do I am grateful, the Voice and Grand Master are grateful, and the Club is grateful.

Congratulations, Mav.

Raken, Deputy Grand Master

Master Gavriel Kadesh, 2014-05-08 14:20:06 UTC