Event Details

Event ID
Lu'aisha Gresee
Dark Cross
Requested by
Councillor Turel Sorenn
Primary reason

Since returning to HOU on April 3rd DEF Lu’aisha Gresee has hit the ground running in a flurry of activity. She has been a constant presence in the #HOU IRC channel and on the HOU mailing list, always quick to offer a word of encouragement or pithy bits of insightful wisdom. During the short time since her return she has accumulated an impressive amount of accolades including: a Crescent with Ruby Star, a Crescent with Sapphire Star, a Crescent with Quartz Star, 109 Clusters of Fire, and 1 Pendant of Blood for having the highest PVP score in the entire DJB from 20 April to 03 May.

In recognition for her contributions to House Odan-Urr and the Knights of Allusis I hereby present DEF Lu’aisha Gresee with a Dark Cross. Keep up the good work!

  • Turel Sorenn, Knight-Commander, Battleteam Knights of Allusis

Councillor Turel Sorenn, 2014-05-24 16:06:00 UTC