To Whom It May Concern:
Today I have the privilege of giving my voice to the call of our newest Knight. Since joining the DJB back in mid-December Black Eagle has worked ceaselessly to become a full and involved member of this club. It has been a great opportunity to work with him as his master and Quaestor. And now at the end of his trials, I am thrilled to say he has reached the point where he is more than ready to be Knighted.
It takes a lot of work for a member to reach this point, and for many, it is enough to push them away. Black Eagle has instead worked hard every day to prove himself. At the time of this writing he has participated in 16 total competitions, ranging from House level competitions such as You Smuggler and Knife in the Dark, to DJB Wide ones such as the FIST’s Monthly Mobile gaming. He participated in the first round of the Fading Light Crusade Epilogue by helping one of HSP’s two teams successfully finish the run-ons. He was one of the major participants in HSP’s latest round of the Looking Home Campaign. Of these he has earned both a Crescent with Amethyst Star and a Topaz Star. I know in the future Black Eagle will continue to show this drive of activity across levels of the club. As a knight he will continue to carve out a name for both himself and for HSP. He even helped with the LHC as part of his summit task, both by working to keep activity up on the run-ons, but by also keeping track of everyone who was participating and who did enough to earn Clusters of Ice. This made both Koryn’s and my lives easier so we could focus on grading instead of also worrying about a lot of the bookkeeping information we needed. His efforts have also netted him a nice shiny Dark Cross as well.
Over the last six months, he has also run several competitions of his own. The most recent one, “Who is the Prankster King?” was a DJB wide competition. This has given him continued insight into the club, something he can use going forward to bring even more competitions to both HSP and the DJB as a whole.
Black Eagle is also well studied from efforts in the Shadow Academy. Not only has he earned things such as the Dark Maven in Flight Studies, he has passed both Leadership Studies and Fundamentals with flying colors (97% and 100% respectively). And unlike so many other who I have seen take this exam, he did so without having to take it several times and work with a leader to figure out how to reach a passing score. Black Eagle has a good head on his shoulders and is someone I believe can someday be an effective leader.
All of this shows Black Eagle’s commitment to the club and his resounding successes as a member. But the DJB is also a major roleplaying club. With approval from the T:W, Ben, his character history Wikipedia page is a solid foundation from which he can continue to develop the character of Black Eagle. He has a rich history full of betrayal and has left it open enough that moving forward he will not be continually bogged down by the past. As part of his character development he worked incredibly hard on finishing and over 3000 word story as part of his trials. This was something he admitted he had never done before and he really got into giving a fun and interesting story about some of Black Eagle’s recent adventures here in the club. In this case it revolved around rescuing his twin brother and learning the secrets of his true parentage.
All in all, Black Eagle is a very kick ass member. Whether it be chatting on IRC or slaying it with competition participation, he is a very welcome face and new life here in Scholae Palatinae. We are all very glad that the Beagle is here and involved as a member of our tightknit little family. The Empire only endures due to the efforts of members like Black Eagle. To Black Eagle I say this, welcome to Knighthood, things are just getting started. Drinks are on you!
Lord Idris Adenn, 2014-06-02 17:47:20 UTC