Event Details

Event ID
Ondur Lkaetur
Old Rank
Journeyman 3
New Rank
Journeyman 4
Requested by
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
Primary reason

I've never been one who has traditionally entered into what I call the "new" Master/Student setup. Generally, I've always offered my mentoring in the broader sense and just helped out where I could. I will say this though for Ondur, I couldn't have asked for a better "initial" Apprentice in the new style.

Ondur, since he rejoined Taldryan has been a constant source of activity, always looking to get involved in the activities of the House, Clan and DB as a whole. He's constantly been curious about what he can do to improve his understanding and knowledge of how the DB works, and he's been extremely willing to broaden his own views, so as to accommodate our activities.

Ultimately, Ondur is setting himself up to become a member Taldryan itself can always count on. He's broadening his horizons beyond his comfort zones and doing his best to understand every aspect the Dark Brotherhood has to offer. He is in short, what Taldryan and the Brotherhood needs out of it's new generation of membership.

So, with all that in mind, I am proud to elevate my Apprentice this day, to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight.

Congratulations, Knight of Taldryan. Make us proud.

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2014-05-30 16:58:10 UTC
Additional reasons

Ondur has been the most active Journeyman in the House since he rejoined Dinaari at the end of April. Since reaching Jedi Hunter, Ondur has participated in half a dozen competitions (seventeen in total as a member), placing in four of those five, taking three first place marks. All told, Ondur has earned 8 Crescents. He picked up TOR and has joined his Clanmates in game, becoming involved through flashpoints and other activity. He's advanced to Rank IV in the Shadow Academy, completing a Dark Maven in General History. He's written a good amount of character fiction, and has a quality Wiki article to his name. When the call was put out to Dinaari to participate in Fading Light, Ondur turned his sights to the ACC, where he anxiously awaits his first battle this round.

More than that, though, Ondur has been a welcome addition for his constant communication and his desire to grow as a member and a writer. He writes his own custom aspects, and though they sometimes need tweaking, he has great ideas. He's always quick to answer emails and respond to questions or concerns, and is always participating in Clan and House discussions. Ondur has been a great addition to Dinaari, and I look forward to continuing to work with him. He more than deserves this promotion to Dark Jedi Knight!

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2014-05-30 15:17:36 UTC

Ondur has been an absolutely pleasure throughout his (rather short - it's a good thing) time as a journeyman in Taldryan - and this has made my job as the nub wrangler pretty enjoyable. He is willing to try new things, he is inquisitive with a strong desire to learn, and he is active as hell. In just a little over a month, he'll have earned two promotions, four crescents and a number of Clusters of Fire. This activity is largely on top of what he has done to earn the rank of Dark Jedi Knight.

Congratulations, Ondur! Keep it up!

Howlader Taldrya, 2014-05-30 15:26:47 UTC

Ondur, Ondur, Ondur. There comes a time when a member becomes a pillar of our community. Today we mark your achievements and rise as one of those pillars for not only Dinaari, but Taldryan as a whole.

You have steadily and consistently embedded yourself in the very foundation that makes this clan what it is. You have built strong relationships with your fellow members through constant communication, treating your brethren with respect, and completing your objectives with integrity. Your hard work never goes unnoticed as you strive for excellence while having fun. But above all, you take care of your fellow members with insightful tips and constructive responses (as seen during the current ACC-event on the email chain).

You go above and beyond what many of us expect from a journeyman, and for that, we would like to thank you and reward your hard work with an elevation to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. A rank that has for long been seen as the true entry to the Brotherhood, a rank where members would historically receive their own lightsaber, a rank where you "come of age" - so to speak.

Enjoy this day, celebrate it with us, but don't rest on your laurels just yet. There is still much you can achieve.


Kaz Raith, 2014-05-30 15:42:07 UTC

As Consul of Taldryan one of my most important duties is to oversee the Progress of the members in my Clan. One of these members is Ondur Lkaetur, whom despite having talked only a couple of words on IRC with, never ceased to amaze me within his indelible drive to grow within the Clan. Ondur stops at nothing, no matter if it means snooping through ancient texts to gain a Shadow Academy Degree or beating the nose of another member in the ACC or even running through Flashpoints in The old Republic with fellow members of the guild, where ever you seek the action there is a big chance he is already there pwning in the name of Taldryan. Such continued actions shall not go unnoticed and deserves more than a medal as reward and since today marked the day Ondur has passed the last remaining requirement from the list of requirements before being eligible for his next promotion, I am by now requesting his elevation to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. Congrats Ondur, your promotion is well deserved.

Rian Taldrya, 2014-05-30 16:57:47 UTC