To whom it may concern:
Since transferring into HSP a few weeks ago, Kor Vaal has been really stepping up as one of our most kick-ass journeyman. At this point and time he has now successfully finished the tasks required for a promotion to Guardian!
At 15 days in rank, he has successfully completed his Krath Order core exam. He has also completed 16 total SA exams well over the 12 required for a promotion (This has also meant he has been showing up in my inbox nearly daily which is fantastic!). These exams include both ACC Exams (which means he is now qualified for the ACC as well), and all of the History of the Sith Empire Exams. This has also put him over the SA Society rank 2 and into rank 3! He has also currently participated in 6 different total competitions (including: Dealing with a Pest and a New Era of Monsters). He has earned 2 Clusters of Ice and a multitude of merit awards. He has also been part of running 3 different competitions. He is also one of two members besides myself to have made posts in the new discourse forum system on the HSP category. Part of that included a very good idea for a new forum thread outside of the standard Runons the forum is used for. Kor is also a very active member on IRC.
Kor Vaal hasnt been in HSP long, but he is already making it count. He is a very strong and knowledgable member and I know without a doubt he is going to continue to have a lasting impact here and with the club as a whole. Congrats on Guardian! Drinks are on you!
Lord Idris Adenn, 2014-06-11 17:19:47 UTC