Event Details

Event ID
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
Steel Cross
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

Ophelia, previously Deimos, transferred to Plagueis back in February during our post-Crusade, pre-clanhood high of celebrations and preparations. Monty drafted him to help head a battle team once our leadership structure shifted up a notch. Monty trusted him to deliver, and Ophelia has not disappointed. He has admirably led the Disciples of Dreypa for the past four months, helping to lay the groundwork for what being a BTL in Clan Plagueis means. All the way, he has continued to be a stellar member of the clan, participating in competitions including the Fading Light run-on as well as a grand duel in the ACC tournament only barely lost.

Heading up battle teams can be rough. Plagueis automatically places new members in a team, and the BTL serves as the de facto master until the member reachers Protector. This means Ophelia has to contact all new joins and push them to start getting promoted. It’s a fine line. Too much communication pushes members away; not enough lets them slip through the cracks. We also know some people on the internet just like to join things without follow through, yet Ophelia has to reach out all the same. The process is grueling, but Ophelia remained dedicated.

Recently, Ophelia has stepped for in a different way. He agreed to slide into the BTS position to allow Marduss to step up and learn the ropes. While a drop in position, Ophelia’s responsibilities have increased as he is now responsible for training Marduss, still helping to maintain the team, along with a slew of clan-wide projects I have started to task him with. Right out the gate, this included collating all of the judges’ comments and scores from Plagueis’ ACC tournament battles into a spreadsheet that allows us to see where we need to improve moving forward. It’s something of grunt work, but incredibly useful and Ophelia signed up without hesitation to assist.

Thank you for these months of hard work and service to both your battle team and the clan. I look forward to continuing to work with you in the future ~ DA Aabsdu Dupar, Consul of Plagueis

Zanet Xox, 2014-06-19 06:14:27 UTC
Additional reasons

Ophelia has been an awesome, integral part of Plagueis since coming to us a few months ago. Assuming the position as BTL almost immediately, he helped to shape Ajunta Pall's first battleteam in every way. On top of his important role as the first BTL of the Disciples of Dreypa, Ophelia also took part in the Fading Light run-on and the ACC tournament that follows up, only narrowly losing out in his round.

Ophelia has offered invaluable contributions to Clan discussions and helping to move both Plagueis and Ajunta Pall forward. Moreover, his most recent action is the most tell of all for his character. Stepping aside to BTS to allow a younger, more inexperienced up-and-comer to take over as BTL is an amazing thing to do. Ophelia has agreed to help train some of our newer, younger people in leadership positions and roles and I couldn't think of anyone better to do so! -- SBM Teylas Ramar

Teylas Ramar, 2014-06-19 06:14:17 UTC