Equite One symbolises stepping out of the Journeymen ranks and into a new set of ranks, it shows commitment to the club, passion and a drive to continue to progress not just yourself but others around you. For these reasons I am honoured to be recommending Valkish Ebonvar for his elevation to the rank of Equite One. He has been an active and driven part of House Galeres, Clan Arcona and the Brotherhood as a whole. Continuing to show his willingness to progress himself in the club and help others at any opportunity he has.
Since his promotion to DJK, Valkish has been a steady and active part of the House. Putting ideas out on how things could be improved, this was from recommending competitions that could be ran to getting involved and helping gamers, tho I won't go into much detail about this as Valhavoc already has. He has managed to run in an impressive amount of competitions racking up to a total of six competitions since his last elevation, ranging from BTL ones to M:FIST roles. As well as this has has continued to be a constant part of contact for his team releasing a report every week to keep in touch with members.
With constant activity we have seen Valkish collect a good amount of medals wracking in 85 Clusters of Fire, 1 Scroll of Indoctrination and 1 Pendant of Blood. Though his best work is what he does with his team. For the last three months Valkish stepped up to the plate and took on the role of Battleteam Leader of Dark Forge, the team was slow but that didn’t stop him jumping in and instantly trying to get things moving again within the team. He has been in constant contact either thru IRC, speaking with them on a daily basis and assisting them with any issues or needs that they have or thru email keeping them updated on DJB information, DC Information or plans and progression of the team.
Since taking the lead, he has ran a few competitions, asking members on what they would like to see to keep activity up inside of the group. He has been in touch with members, helping them get work from wiki to small projects expanding the teams background as well as making them a well oiled machine in terms of communication. Valkish stepped up when I needed him inside of Galeres, taking things in his stride and learning on the job, he has made Dark Forge active again in his position.
Congratulations on your elevation to the rank of Equite One Valkish, your hard work, motivation and your passion for the Brotherhood. I look forward to seeing what you continue to do in the future. thank you for your time and work to the Clan and House.
Quaestor of House Galeres
Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2014-07-15 01:03:22 UTC