Event Details

Event ID
Warlord Brimstone aka Seabr'imsto'nedansr
Steel Cross
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

Brimstone is a force of nature. Everyone knows his name, for better or worse. He keeps the Plagueis mailing list active with interesting videos and articles, masters multiple young members through the ranks, participated in the ACC Beta, the Fading Light Runon event, and the Fading Light ACC tournament. When his BTL stepped down, he stepped up during the interim and maintained active communication with his battle team members even when most seemed AWOL or Rogue. He pushed hard as Battle Team Leader, and that’s not easy when the Dark Brotherhood naturally gets a fair number of dead joins. Brimstone encouraged them all of the same. Finally, he submitted to all eleven events during the Plagueis house feud “Sphere of Influence,” and placed in the Top Five overall for his hard work and dedication. As a BTL and a member, Brimstone always performs. He is an integral experience of Clan Plagueis’ culture and we are proud to have him as a part of the family ~ DA Aabsdu Dupar, Consul of Plagueis

Zanet Xox, 2014-07-17 01:11:14 UTC