Event Details

Event ID
Brandon Tarsus
Old Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

To whom it may concern: Today I have the great honor of writing my recommendation for Brandon Tarsus's promotion to Dark Jedi Knight. Brandon has excelled as a Journeyman here in Scholae Palatinae and I couldn't be more thrilled to report on his completion of his Knighthood trials. Reaching Knighthood is the big graduation moment for each member of the club, and Brandon is graduating with honors here.

Brandon has been a consistent and reliable source of activity and participation here in HSP. To date he has participated in 15 competitions. These range from things like the events in HSP's Looking Home Campaign, to Shadow's Assassination themed project. He has participated in DJB wide competitions such as the Fading Light runon and the "New Era of Monsters" fiction competition. He has helped garner submissions for fellow member's competitions that they were running for their own promotion requirements, thus helping make them a resounding success. Examples of this include "Exterminate the Carebears" and "Favorite Things". He has been active both within the house and without, giving an exemplarily example for everyone.

Out of these competitions Brandon has earned 4 crescents, an Amethyst, two Topaz and a Quartz. His participation in runons has also netted him 4 Clusters of Ice. His activity doesn't just stop there, he has also run a multitude of competitions in his time here, both on a house level and a DJB wide level. His two DJB wide competitions, "To be, or not to be" and "Feeling a bit Poe-ish today?" both had a great amount of member turn out from around the club. He has great ideas and makes real attempts to better himself and the club with different activities.

Brandon has also taken a great deal of Shadow Academy courses to better his knowledge of the club and the Star Wars universe. He has passed both Leadership Studies and Leadership Fundamentals with fantastic scores. He also went to great effort in his attempts at finishing the Maven - Combat degree, earning very high scores on all the required exams for it. He had developed a very solid character history and has completed a great personal fiction that was longer than 3000 words.

Most recently Brandon finished assisting myself on the Antenoran Rebellion wikipedia page. He received a Dark Cross for helping me. I was very pleased with his work on it, and it was a massive aid to myself in getting all the information out of the "canon" wins for that part of the Looking Home Campaign. His efforts will be there forever as an excellent recap of the event. Properly archiving and storing the House Lore is no easy task, and Brandon's work was fantastic.

Brandon has more than earned this promotion to Dark Jedi Knight. He is a totally awesome member, and I am very glad for having the chance to work with him and see him grow as a member of the club. It is thanks to members like Brandon, that Scholae Palatinae is able to flourish and survive. We are much better off for having him around. Brandon, thank you for your awesome efforts. I hope you enjoy knighthood. I look forward to seeing what you do next, because the party is just getting started. Congratulations! Drinks are on you!

Lord Idris Adenn, 2014-08-04 07:06:39 UTC
Additional reasons

It has truly been a great honor to work with my apprentice, and to see him reach knighthood. Brandon Tarsus has been hard at work on fulfilling his requirements. He’s focused a lot on perfecting his writing skills with his character fictions, which I have had the pleasure of reading. He took part in various competitions, including my assassin series comps, and placed in a few comps while winning awards for his work. He helped his team win in the Looking Home – Antenora campaign, getting his posts done in a timely fashion. Brandon has also been hard at work on character development, many times the both of us discussing ideas for his wiki.

Brandon has also shown to be a very determined individual. Even when there were issues with time or technology, he found a way to participate in competitions and take exams. I'm sure his determination and other noticeable traits will take him even further in the House and Brotherhood.

I am truly proud of him for his success, and I hope to see him progress even further both in the House and in the Brotherhood. Congratulations, Brandon! May you be bestowed with further greatness.

Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter, 2014-07-31 22:58:53 UTC

In my service among the Dark Jedi Brotherhood of House Scholae Palatinae, I have seen an interesting group of people. Some come, some go, and others stick around and do the work that is needed to keep the club (and House) alive. I am proud to say that Brandon Tarsus is one of the people that make this House a better, more active, and fun place to be!

Constantly, he is submitting to competitions, whether they are DJB wide, House wide, or Battleteam wide. He has earned an impressive array of cresents, clusters, and working on projects. He is always happy to participate in the campaigns that are beneficial to the house and club as a whole. He is also always willing to hang out and chat, bounce ideas and/or push for participation in others.

I am happy to be in this House with a member such as Brandon. Without him and his active style, we would not thrive as a House, and I am proud to put forth my recommendation for him. I am sure he will continue to be an important member of House Scholae Palatinae

Issamuel Kin'Droth, 2014-08-03 21:03:55 UTC

Brandon Tarsus has been busy learning more since his first day in the House. He has eagerly participated in many of the different competitions presented to the House, and collaborates with his fellow Dark Jedi to add to the collective community we have created. He has gone beyond to create his own competitions for others to enjoy as well, and give back. He has so effortlessly reached the steps to Dark Jedi Knight just doing what he enjoys doing it has hardly been a struggle. He has done so at his own pace, and now it's time to recognize him for all that he has done. From the conversations on Google about what type of back story we want for our Dark Jedi, and how we can create fun stories, it's time that Brandon Tarsus creates his lightsaber and continues that story forward for the glory of the Empire. Congratulations my friend, I look forward to writing more with you in the future, and more great things to come following Knighthood.

Lord Evio Nezsa, 2014-08-04 07:04:36 UTC