Event Details

Event ID
General Zentru'la
Dark Cross
Requested by
Lord Evio Nezsa
Primary reason

Elincia Rei, a new identity, re-joined Scholae Palatinae about a year ago. Since then, nothing but the highest quality of work has resulted. An entirely new fictional identity came to be, and has already had it's mark on the fictional history of the House through participation in 12 different competitions over the past year. There were entries into each of the different Looking Home Campaigns on Ptolomea, Antenora and Caina, as well as the DJB wide level. It's been a slow burn of activity but it is always at the highest quality, and always a pleasure to read and interact in the run-ons. In appreciation for all this work, I would like to recommend Elincia Rei with a Dark Cross. Congratulations.

Lord Evio Nezsa, 2014-08-06 04:36:35 UTC
Additional reasons

Elincia Rei, formerly Impetus, returned to the DJB and HSP with a fascinating new twist on their character. Successfully completing a new identity, rich backstory and continuing developing story line, Elincia has been on a constant burn of participation around the club. Whereas many people will one off submissions for competitions, Elincia has worked hard to make sure each submission continues the on going story of being the undercover Togruta scientist. Not one to waste effort, Elincia's work continues to be some of the most consistently well done efforts of story and development I see in the club. For this great work I recommend this Dark Cross. Congratulations!

Lord Idris Adenn, 2014-08-06 03:35:44 UTC