Not only has Archangel been an outstanding member of Scholae Palatinae for over seven years, he is the man responsible for bringing me back to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood in the years following the Exodus. In the past few months, Arch has done excellent work in his numerous positions (FIST office and SA), and he has continued his outstanding duties as one of the military advisers for the House military. During the recent Caina campaign, Arch's contributions were both numerous (4) and of high quality (placing in 2). Congratulations!
General Kell Palpatine Dante, 2014-08-06 04:35:32 UTC
Archangel has been a incredible pillar of Scholae Palatinae for a long time. Few are more consistently there for the House, with the dedication that he has, albeit a bit sarcastic at times he always comes through. Since his last recognition following the Dark Crusade, he has continued his activity in events and projects without hesitation.
He has participated in 21 different competitions, including the Fading Light and Voice sanctioned DJB wide events, as well as both the Caina and Antenora House wide events with a combined 6 quality entries with several placements. It's always great to see him show up, especially to such important competitions that help us build the foundation and history of our House for the future.
More than just his participation as a member, he helped me as an adviser both during and following the most recent unit acquisition to put together a new structure that took advantage of our new Acclamators as well as name the new additions to the Fleet. I can't imagine we would have the quality structure and Imperial feel we have today without his invaluable guidance.
It's for all this, that I recommend Archangel for the Anteian Cross. Congratulations, I'll wear an extra fancy hat for you to eat later.
Lord Evio Nezsa, 2014-08-06 05:10:56 UTC