Event Details

Event ID
Aidan Kincaid
Grand Cross
Requested by
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
Primary reason

When it comes to members in the Dark Brotherhood, everyone knows about Aidan Kincaid, nee Shadow Taldrya. He’s quite simply a powerhouse when it comes to fiction, being generally regarded as the best wordsmith we’ve got right now, and he deserves the reputation. Shad’s tireless efforts in both Brotherhood wide, and Taldryan specific competitions ensure that his voice is one of the most widely read in the Dark Brotherhood’s newly tracked and evolving canon, and we’re extremely lucky for it.

Shadow’s work extends beyond just his own contributions to fiction though, working as an organizing force for Taldryan’s writers during the Fading Light runon, as well as helping edit and guide many of Taldryan’s budding writers in the ACC. He is not content to just sit back on his laurels of being a great writer, but he shares his expertise with any in Taldryan who ask him. I know many people, including myself, who can point to Shad’s guidance as a great contributor to our own growth.

Thank you Shad, and please accept this Grand Cross as a token of your Clan’s appreciation.

Proconsul of Clan Taldryan,

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2014-08-12 01:42:35 UTC
Additional reasons

Shadow is a big ol’ whore, and probably the most active member the Dark Brotherhood has in its ranks. Amassing medal after medal in almost every competition he enters. Few can match his activity, even fewer can match his ability to dominate competition. I know this because for the past month or two, I’ve been trying - desperately, and failing - to keep up with him.

Just a quick overlook of his history tab shows crescent after cluster, after crescent flowing into his medal case. Yet it is not Shadow’s drive for whoring prestige, but his contributions to Taldryan as a whole that will forever set him apart. A master of the written word, a fictioneer in full, Shadow constantly has a hand in guiding, aiding, and showing the way for all of those that hold an interest in the finer activities of the Brotherhood.

The past few months, Shad has entered in little over 40 Crescent giving competitions - snatching up placements in 80% of them , the testament of his writing prowess to be found in the countless Clusters of Ice he has been awarded - well over 70. Along with this he has supplemented his activity with various trivias, of which he has won his fair share. His tireless work on the Brotherhood’s wikipedia have seen him being awarded two Dark Side Scrolls. Not a man to hoard his talents for himself, Shadow has also been awarded several Scrolls of Foundation for guiding those that need guidance. Perhaps a testimony of “vintage” Obelisk-ness, Shadow has also gotten himself over a hundred Clusters of Fire.

In short; Shadow is a role model for Taldryan, if not the Brotherhood as a whole. Not only does he excel at everything he does, he does so while being approachable by those that seek to emulate his success.

Shadow, you are a cornerstone of Taldryan, a vital part of the foundation of the Brotherhood, and someone I personally have come to rely on to be a better writer. I’m looking forward to the day I place ahead of you in a fiction competition; it’ll be the same day we raid Howie’s fridge for his beer, and shave of Yacko’s mighty beard.

Kaz Raith, 2014-08-12 01:41:44 UTC