Event Details

Event ID
Grand Inquisitor Lizuni Heraga
Steel Cross
Requested by
Battlelord Mateus Kelborn
Primary reason

Revak Kur is one of the longest-serving members of Odan-Urr's Summit - currently he is our longest-serving Battleteam Leader, clocking in at 10 months of Summit service. More than this, however, Revak is a model example of a Battleteam Leader. Let's look at some stats here: He's organised 38 competitions in the past 10 months - thirty-eight! Most of these were for our House events, but let's think about this - that's almost four competitions a month, every month, for the entire tenure of his Summit service. He's put out a monthly report, without fail. He's a consistent and active presence on our IRC, our mailer, our Summit's Whatsapp group and contributes routine ideas and concepts to our Trello, which he then takes to fruition; we've seen his ideas for Comedy Month come alive and happen, for instance. Ooroo is also the largest and most active battleteam we have in HOU. In context, Ooroo is literally the only team we have that has posted 100% member participation in recent times - and that's with 11 members on the team. He also penned our Disciples of Baas wiki page and is continuously making minor edits to a wide variety of our other pages to make sure they're up to Summit standard for our major lore articles.

I could put fancy adjectives with all of this and make it sound prettier than it is, but I feel strongly that these numbers speak for themselves without any dressing: Revak Kur is the battleteam leader that you want on your Summit. I don't care what unit you're in, but with the ability to produce results like this, Revak is unquestionably the best battleteam leader I've ever seen, a consummate and constant professional. His example is sterling. His is the example I would give to any leadership manual. He is the example I would hold up to the light like Rafiki holds up baby Simba and says you're damn right this is our new King to the entire Pride Lands. Perhaps an award for this man is long overdue but this past month has proven his ability the best and greatest that I have ever seen. I'm thankful we have him on our Summit. He's a great guide for us, he provides well thought-out advice and I don't think I've ever seen him say a bad thing about another member ever. If he has, I've not seen it. He's an absolute trooper and has fought long and hard to see his team succeed. I would like to say now that he has done exactly that.

I would like to award Revak Kur a Steel Cross for his incredible and long-serving performance as a Battleteam Leader. Thank you, Revak. You've done an incredible job and we, the Summit, cannot thank you enough for it.

Battlelord Mateus Kelborn, 2014-09-15 23:56:08 UTC