Event Details

Event ID
Orion Aries Rial
Steel Cross
Requested by
Scion Tarentae
Primary reason

Rial is one of those members who seems to consistently fly under the radar, despite doing everything right. He was M:SCL for some time, and now he's working hard as M:MAA. He games consistently and is steadily working his way up the GMRG ladder. In August 2014 he came in first in Gorefest, and the awards were upgraded due to high participation. He routinely participates in competitions including four just in August, all of which were organized outside of Tarentum. What strikes me the most is that he set for himself a personal goal to reach in the GMRG by the end of the year, and he is making steady progress toward it by consistently earning Pendants of Blood. It's rare to see members so self-motivated.

Another thing Rial has that Tarentum has benefited greatly from is an outgoing nature. He's always talking to people outside of Tarentum, visiting other channels and acting as an unofficial ambassador to the rest of the Brotherhood. He is quickly building up a solid reputation as a gamer and competition participant outside of his House. We are very grateful for his ambition to lower the isolation between units and get our name out there in a positive light.

He has regularly offered his time to discuss policies and the direction of the House with me. I have come to value Rial's opinions highly because he has shown himself to be a thoughtful and perceptive person with Tarentum's best interest in mind. Rial has certainly begun to reach the stage in Brotherhood advancement where the focus shifts from personal advancement to the advancement of the House and the Brotherhood as a whole. Rather than simply complaining about not getting medals as many would, he gave me constructive criticism and backed it up with an actionable recommendation: to create a monthly review process for awards in which the entire Summit reviews possible award candidates and ensures that nobody gets overlooked. I liked the idea so much that we have already started using it.

I'd like to recognize all the work Rial has done in the past year both to advance himself and also to benefit his House and his Brotherhood. We are lucky to have him.

Scion Tarentae, 2014-09-21 20:25:04 UTC