Event Details

Event ID
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

Even though it's been a short time since Zoron has been promoted, it has not stopped his deluge of activity. Over this period of time he has competed in 12 competitions, netting himself 7 crescents in the process; earned a Scroll of Foundation, Legion of the Scholar, a Pendant of Blood and 99 Clusters of Fire. He has also been active on the SA front, finishing 5 more courses.

On top of all that he has continued to be a great BTL, putting out regular reports on a bi-weekly basis and continuing his DB-wide series of Sporcle competitions. He is constantly communicating with his members directly, ensuring they stay active in and contact with the rest of the House. He is also a constant presence on IRC and is always communicating through the various mailing lists.

This is just a small token of appreciation for his continued activity.

Lord Halcyon, 2014-10-06 11:41:50 UTC