Event Details

Event ID
Seer A'lora Kituri
Old Rank
Consular Seer (Equite 2)
New Rank
Consular Chronicler (Equite 3)
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

The promotion of an Equite 2 to Equite 3 requires a member to contribute to the overall good of the independent unit, the staff they work on, and the Dark Brotherhood as a whole. Only .85% of our membership ever put together the resume, dedication, or effort to obtain this special elevation. A'lora Kituri is not only a member worthy of the .85% of our membership, but he excels beyond his Equite peers. A'lora has served with distinction at the Independent House leadership level, at the DJB Dark Council staff level, and at a club wide level. His efforts have been devoted beyond the improvement of his own dossier, but towards the improvement of many others. Graphics for dossiers in the form of lightsabers, warbanners, and trinkets....no problem. Report graphics, headers, and personalized images.....no problem. House leadership, devotion to junior members, and the improvement of his independent unit...no problem.

A'lora has gone beyond the standard personalized efforts of SA courses, gaming, and entering competitions, and has reached the stage where the bulk of his activity is directed at making our club a better place. This, if anything, is the reason we need to see him promoted to EQ3. Congrats Jedi Scum! ~Grand Master Sarin

A'lora has not been long on the Herald staff but he has been an unofficial member for quite some time. His expertise with lightsabers has been invaluable to our staff members as he is more than willing to lend a hand or suggestions on how to complete specific aspects that our artists may be struggling on. To date he himself has created six lightsabers for Brotherhood members, including one that was to be used by the Recruitment tribune for publishing on media outlets. He is fantastic with this as he's very open to working with the members on what they would like and the quality is always great. Since bringing him aboard staff he has been active in our Herald egroup helping us manage the general things that pop up everyday, which include advice and opinions on Herald rules such as warbanners, picking up miscellaneous tasks such as completing report banners for the Voice and also DGM. He is a great asset for the Herald staff and is always active with a smile and good humor. I am more than happy to recommend him for this promotion. Congratulations! ~Socorra, Herald of the Brotherhood.

The service of Summit, no matter how long, is a difficult task. To serve on Summit for a year is a distinguished effort. To serve for more than this, consistently, and turn out results that are noticed on a club-wide level creates a very powerful achievement that speaks of the Summit that achieves them. This is A'lora Kituri - the consistent helper, the one always tirelessly working to help House Odan-Urr shine. It has been a long time since his last award, or promotion - sixteen months since being promoted to Equite 2 during the Dark Crusade's earliest phases. A bare minimum is six months as Aedile of an independent unit. But sixteen? That is a feat. That is worthy of recognition. Twenty total months as Aedile of an Independent Unit. Four months of those were spent as Equite 1. Sixteen of them were spent as Equite 2 and those sixteen months bespoke the rise of a House reborn.

It is high time we give this hero something worthy of his accolades.

One quick look at his awards page and you see a story of one of the Brotherhood's highest-quality members, skilled in all number of fields. We see hundreds of Clusters of Fire and Clusters of Ice, as well as Pendants of Blood - but these are chump change. Five Seals of Reminiscence. Nice. Two Dark Side Scrolls for contributing an ACC venue and a featured wiki page. This displays skills on the top echelons of the Brotherhood. Three seals of loyalty? Impressive as all hell, when you consider how hard it is to achieve just one. There are only so many that go out and to earn them so consistently every six months is a feat. Not many people can claim three successive Seals of Loyalty.

His tally of Novae speaks of a man who leads from the front. During the Dark Crusade - and not counting the stuff before his last promotion - A'lora racked up four Bronzes, two Silvers and two Golds. This is an Aedile who leads from the front, who gets his hands on every event and tries his absolute best to come out on top, to set the best possible example for his members. This is the kind of leader Odan-Urr needed; someone talented enough to fight with the best and come out strong, someone to inspire the rest of the House to perform.

He has contributed on a club level, too. His skill in graphics is amazing. He has created lightsabers, a rare skill for this club. A small number of them were physically created by him, as well as some modifications to existing sabers, which speaks of his talent. This is something we can't overlook; all things are considered in a promotion and contributions on a club level are prized and valued. I understand the work that goes into this - it's a skill I'm only just starting to pick up now, and not only does he do it better than I do, he does it flawlessly, making it look effortless.

Odan-Urr has enjoyed his leadership to a great degree, too. We've seen membership to rival even the strongest Clans - consistently staying over 50 members when some units are struggling to keep at 40 members. We've seen participation numbers and successes at record highs, with Odan-Urr's participation in large events growing higher and higher throughout the Crusade, and then beyond. We've seen A'lora pen and contribute fiction to any number of large House events, from Tides of Freedom to Return of the Light and beyond. We've seen availability to wiki pages and projects, we've seen new leaders rise and fall with A'lora's assistance. With so many strong next-generation leaders - Turel, Revak, Rhiann and Kah, just to name a few - brought up with his assistance and help, House Odan-Urr has benefitted greatly. It is not enough just to lead, but to breed new leaders to continue on tradition in his absence.

He knows his limits. He knows when it is time, when to call in help, and when he can go it alone. He knows when to delegate, how to find a member's strengths and how to put them to the best use. There have been opportunities for every member to seize. Hell, A'lora was kind enough to invite me onto some Summit projects and let me help out, as well as a number of other members. We've seen a consistent string of success in 2014, and so much of it can be attributed to the leadership of a man who draws his sword, shouts a charge, and charges in at the front of the pack, but knows when someone else has a better sword swing. This is the kind of leadership we needed, that we appreciated, the willingness to get in there and muck it with the rest of us. We are all thankful. We saw it all and we counted our blessings for the best Aedile I have ever seen in the Dark Brotherhood.

As A'lora steps down from Aedile, I feel it is appropriate to give him something as I step up into his shoes. I only hope that this award is sufficient thanks for the work he does, that we have been watching, that we have been waiting and hoping, that we have seen and been thankful for every day that he has helped our beloved House become the best it can possibly be. I hope that I can perform even a fraction as well as you did, my friend, for you are a legend beyond words. From a grateful House, from a thankful friend, please accept this recommendation to Equite 3 with my humble thanks. Also take this cookie. It's made with love.

  • Mirus Hi'ija, Aedile of House Odan-Urr, Praetor to the Herald

Of all the Aediles I have ever seen or worked with in my fifteen years of the club, A'lora is by far the best. He was exceptionally dedicated and led by setting examples, jumping in to every major competition he could get his hands on and placing well to boot.

Since his last promotion, he has carved his name through the Dark Crusade, participating in 4 events in November 2013 (with 2 third place entries), 4 events in August (with 1 first, 1 second and 1 third place entry), placing second in the Bhargebba fiction in May, and 4 events in the Independance Games in April (with 1 fourth place entry). He has also placed second and third in two recent Voice competitions (Create-an-NPC and Hunting a Killer, respectively). He has competed in a total of 29 competitions since his last promotion, and to score consistently well on the Brotherhood stage is something we hope all members can aspire to.

He has also penned some great House fiction, including work on the stories for Renewal of Hope, Tides of Freedom and Return of the Light. He is a constant voice behind the scenes, and has a considerable collection of Aedile-related documents that he has provided to me now that I am in those shoes. I have counted 52 documents, all neatly organized in their own folders and well presented and integral to a number of key aspects and projects of the House during his time as Aedile, including: House Events (Renewal of Hope, Return of the Light, New Horizons/Tarentum Feud, and a proposed CSP Feud), the “Trusted Members” IRC policing policy, member activity tracking and awarding, wiki auditing, the Armed Forces documentation / MTOE, and documentation for proposed project work including Transcendence (Clanning), Enclaves (our fictional spies and HQs in the DJB), Flora and Fauna (to flesh out our world), two elite internal societies (the Jedi Vocational Corp and the Inner Order of Gnost Dural), armed forces wiki overhauls, and an internal pirate society.

Despite now having a busy RL study schedule as he works towards the future he deserves, he still makes time to chat with me about these files and maintain some of them while I wrap my head around the sheer weight of how much work he has done. This has shown me beyond a doubt that he has done an exceptional job as Aedile for sixteen months (since his last promotion).

He has also earnt a long list of medals, clusters, crescents and seals, most notably including 3 Seals of Loyalty, an Anteian and a Dark Cross, 487 Clusters of Fire, 19 Clusters of Ice, and Novae and Seals from the aforementioned Dark Crusade events.

On behalf of a grateful House, I am proud to add my recommendation to A’lora’s promotion to EQ 3, as I believe he is an excellent example of what it means to be a third-rank Equite and I am glad he is once again able to spend some time with us following his departure in July. Luckily we still have V'yr's picture of you to keep us company when your studies keep you away!

  • Nathan Deciarus, Aedile of Odan-Urr

For my entire time in the Brotherhood and in House Odan-Urr, A’lora was the rock of the summit. He didn’t just spout platitudes like “servant leadership” and “leading from the front” he lived them, fighting in the trenches of the Dark Crusade and working tirelessly behind the scenes to build a better house. From the major events like Renewal of Hope, Tides of Freedom and Return of the Light to the flora and fauna of New Tython, A’lora has been involved in nearly aspect of Odan-Urr’s progression as a unit for over a year.

After I joined the Odan-Urr summit A’lora became my primary point of contact and mentor, helping me get a handle on my BTL duties and jump into on-going House projects. He kept the entire summit organized and focused on the task at hand. A’lora implemented the summit Google documents for promotions and awards that enabled us to stay on top of our administrative tasks.

To say that a immensely dedicated and multitalented Aedile like A’lora left big shoes to fill is a massive understatement. I can think of few members who embody the producer mentality and are more deserving of an Equite promotion than A’lora. Congratulations.

  • Turel Sorenn, Knight-Commander, Battle Team Knights of Allusis

Of all the leaders I have ever seen depart from the Summit, I have relied upon one more than any other to help keep things together. A'lora Kituri was my Aedile for over a year, and a servant of Odan-Urr's Summit for years before that. A'lora, or Moro as we regularly call him, is my example to hold up of what kind of Leader I'd like to be. He did it all - he did the hard work, kept up with deadlines, saw to the members, and above all, kept his head while doing it. It's past time he was recognized.

To look at the service of Moro, you need to look way, way back to the 19th of June, 2011. It was then that Morotheri, for he had just changed his name to such, became the Battleteam Sergeant of the now-replaced team The Lightwalkers. Appointed at the Journeyman rank of Jedi Hunter - a precursor to our modern Padawan in Odan-Urr - he was not only tireless to serve as an aide to his Battleteam Leader, but worked hard enough to accrue two Dark Crosses, one Bronze and one Silver Nova, ten Seals of Decimation, forty-four Clusters of Fire, two Topaz Crescents, an Emerald Crescent, and a prestigious Ruby Crescent. In addition, his hard work saw his promotion to Jedi Knight on November 6th, 2011. One of his Dark Crosses at this time was for the creation of the Melewati Bushfighters, an important and oft-utilized component of our OOB's Ground Forces.

On January 25th, 2012, Morotheri was elevated from his Sergeant position to serve as the Rollmaster of Odan-Urr. He would earn a Steel Cross less than two months later, on March 12, 2012, for his work in creating and implementing the House's Master/Student Program, as well as overseeing nine Master/Student pairings and writing all of the pertinent articles therein. The award was also given for emailing every newcomer to the House in that period and, once they were promoted to higher ranks, creating detailed emails listing their next steps and offering them guidance. He would also craft the Wiki article for the Sentinel Order, another feat recognized by this award.

Moro's work as Rollmaster would continue unabated, maintaining and improving the projects listed above and accompanied by fierce competitive activity, accruing him four Emerald Crescents, four Sapphire Crescents, a Cluster of Ice - much rarer in those days - and another one hundred and twenty-one Clusters of Fire before May 30th, 2012. This dedication was rewarded on June 1st, 2012, when he was promoted to the first Equite rank.

Following this promotion, Morotheri would go on to maintain the Rollmaster's Office during a time in Odan-Urr's history where other Leaders on the Summit were forced to resign by real life, unexpectedly disappearing, or even transferring away. This didn't lessen his resolve; if anything, his activity spiked upward once more, earning another ninety-three Clusters of Fire and a Pendant of Blood, as well as another Sapphire Crescent. The scope of his Leadership would change dramatically when he would rise from Odan-Urr's Rollmaster position to become its Aedile on September 10th, 2012. His competitive awards as Aedile, up until March 24, 2013, would include a further seven Clusters of Ice, another Cluster of Fire, six Seals of Affliction for service in the Rite of Supremacy: Horizons, another Emerald Crescent, and a pair of prestigious Gold Novae.

During this span of time - between September 10th, 2012 and March 24th, 2013 - Morotheri would be awarded with two Merit medals. The first, a Dark Cross, would be for aiding then-Fist of the Brotherhood Fremoc Pepoi with play-testing the games World of Tanks and Hawken, a small act that showed his willingness to work beyond position and House. More impressively, on the 14th of November he was granted a Grand Cross of the Dark Side, awarded to him for Horizons excellence, Rollmaster excellence, and the creation of an additional nine relevant Odan-Urr Wiki articles, up to and including our current headquarters - the Arca Praxeum. The creation of said Praxeum led him to author a House event, Bastions of Knowledge, which involved several competitions, plot updates, and even a House Run-on administered by Morotheri himself.

The Grand Cross would also reference his work as an exceptional graphics artist, having created and contributed graphics to, at that point, the Odan-Urr Wordpress website, the New Dawn and Halls of the Watchmen wiki pages, and collaborative efforts with the Shadow Academy - another example of working outside of the club. His skill in creating and coordinating administrative tools such as spreadsheets and charts would be recognized, as would his work on a project we are still modifying and integrating - what was originally called the Jedi Vocational Corp.

Though these accomplishments read like an average leader's tenure, they were not nearly the end for Morotheri, who would garner another promotion for his exceptional work on March 26th, 2013 - this one to Archpriest.

Where some members would see their resolve die out, Morotheri continued to pick up the pace, and garnered for it the prestigious Seal of Loyalty on April 12, 2013, not one month after his promotion. He would go on to serve in a Vendetta again shortly thereafter, participating in the 2013 Independence Games and garnering five Seals of Reminiscence for his efforts there. Changing his Order from Sentinel to Consular, his character to a Togruta, and his name to A'lora Kituri al'Tor - the last name being dropped some months later - he would step up his activity during the Dark Crusade.

This section is going to be long, and so it merits its own paragraphs.

Serving in and during the Dark Crusade, and in its ongoing sequel chapters, Fading Light, A'lora would garner a further three hundred sixty-three Clusters of Fire, nineteen more Clusters of Ice, another Pendant of Blood, a Gold Nova, two Silver Novae, four Bronze Novae, a Legion of the Scholar, two Dark Side Scrolls, a further two Seals of Loyalty, another Emerald Crescent, two more Sapphire Crescents, a Dark Cross for recoloring Raiju Kang's custom lightsaber, and fifteen Seals of the Crusader. Just these competitive awards read like the medal case of most members, and yet, there is still more to go over in regard to A'lora's activity.

A'lora was responsible as a Leader for the organization and co-organization of twenty-one competitions, most if not all of them ranging from medium to high levels of difficulty and a few of them even fielded to the entire Dark Brotherhood. He would participate in fifty individual competitions while serving as a Leader, posted eleven news items and reports during his time as Aedile, and participated in the Antei Combat Center's Championship Ladder to defeat Xen'mordin Vismorsus - unfortunately losing due to timeout later on, as his exhaustive Aedile schedule took up too much of his time. He completed twenty-three Shadow Academy exams as an Odanite Leader and created a myriad of tracking and management tools that the Summit still uses.

I would pick apart my email records and give detailed paragraphs for his every action in those archives, were those archives not three thousand, seven hundred, eighty-one emails long. That amount of email traffic should speak for itself, in regard to A'lora, his work, and the health of the unit with him as my Aedile. I can say for certain that he was involved in the restructuring of the Jedi Vocational Corps to fit with our current project, the Enclave Initiative, to which he also contributed. Once it rolls out, we will have full-time and extended interactions with every Brotherhood unit for the foreseeable future. Odan-Urr will finally be entrenched as an active, capable, stalwart, and worthy unit of this Dark Jedi Brotherhood without dispute - all on the shoulders of A'lora Kituri, who bore that weight with a smile, a kind word, and a heroic drive to do more.

It was a sad day on July 26th, 2014, when A'lora had to step down from the Aedile's Office and the Odan-Urr Summit due to real-life collegiate pursuits. However, he was the cornerstone and often the keystone of this House's activity, cohesion, and survival from June 19, 2011 to July 26th, 2014 - three years, one month, and seven days of consistent excellence, dedication, and activity at levels few of our members can even dream of achieving.

He is the reason our Summit has worked together so well in the past; he is the reason so many of our members came in from the Rogues, or joined in the first place, or stayed with the club. He worked to assist and equip our Rollmasters. He worked to train our Battleteams, their Leaders, and their Members, using the guidelines and objectives I set out for him as a starting point and going far above and beyond my expectations at every turn. He is one of many reasons why the Dark Council looks favorably upon us, and the reason why we are planning a Feud with Scholae Palatinae in the near future. He is the reason that I, the Quaestor of Odan-Urr, kept my sanity; and above all, he is the reason that when one of our Summit departs, we now have an entire roster of members ready to fill the gaps and keep the HOU Hype alive and well.

A'lora Kituri does not deserve a promotion to Equite 3 at this time. What he deserves is a Clan name and a promotion to Elder. While I cannot give those to him yet, it is because of his tireless work in the trenches, doing the gritty day-to-day work and fighting on the Brotherhood stage for Odan-Urr, that those things are expected to become realities for Odan-Urr very soon.

A'lora, you rose from obscurity and inexperience to turn a struggling, risky concept into the Brotherhood's most promising unit. We love you, man. Accept this promotion, and may the Force be with you.

  • Liam Torun, Quaestor of Odan-Urr

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2014-10-19 02:12:31 UTC
Additional reasons

What can I say about Morotheri (A'lora) that hasn't already been said, So i'll keep this short. Since joining in 2012 I've never met a more committed member of Odan-Urr, taking part in almost every single project I can remember. The number of medals that he has received honestly don't do him the slightest bit of justice.

Even before joining the Summit, Moro was always willing to help me with any character progression or fictions that I was stuck on. However, now I really see his true nature; Actively engaging me in conversations concerning my actions as a BTL and what I should be doing. I couldn't wish for a better friend and mentor who makes me a better member of this club. House Odan-Urr is truly lucky to have you Moro – You truly deserve this promotion.

  • Mar Sûl, Battle-Team Leader, Disciples of Baas.

Mar Sûl, 2014-10-12 19:02:36 UTC