It’s not often that someone who joins the Brotherhood for the gaming aspects becomes interested and invested in the club as a whole; LaLa being one of these few people.
Not only has she climbed the ranks fairly quickly, she’s been busy looking around the Brotherhood and finding herself interested in numerous different things. Since her last promotion, LaLa has been focusing around the Shadow Academy and Grand Master’s Royal Guard, earning rank two in both. Along with those rankings, she has accumulated herself more than 40 Clusters of Fire. Not one to just game and keep silent, LaLa has also visited the DJB Voice server, speaking with some of the other members while playing her game of choice; Star Wars: The Old Republic.
She has also entered in three competitions; two of them being competitions for Fading Light’s third part which really helps out her house of Odan-Urr. Although she had to spend some extra time at rank for her next promotion; LaLa has some potential starting to show through. With the help of her master and support of Odan-Urr, she could go far within the club.
For all of your hard work and activity, I am proud to recommend you for this promotion from Protector to Defender. It’s great seeing you active within a club you suddenly joined out of thin air for gaming aspects; and I hope you continue to be active and find even more you can love about the Brotherhood.
Vivibelle Baenre, 2014-10-31 21:37:41 UTC