Event Details

Event ID
Kul'tak Drol
Old Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Envoy Taranae Rhode
Primary reason

Since joining the Brotherhood, Kul has been an inspiration. The last 9 months has seen him rack up Seals of the Crusader for the Fading Light run-on, The ACC Tournament and Nicht Ka. He also gained 13 Clusters of ice for the same events and his writing skills are fantastic - I see him going a long way with the writing ability he has and I look forward to seeing it develop as he moves forward and gets more practice under his belt in competitions. He gained his first competition medal for the Bar Brawling competition (Crescent with Emerald Star) and continues to try his utmost to better himself in whatever activity he involves himself in. Kul is a shining example of what a member could be, and what they can achieve if they set their minds to it. As his Master, I have kept a constant eye on his progress and nudged him where necessary, even though his RL took him away from us for a short time. He returned all guns blazing and has hit the Shadow Academy with force, taking a massive 20 exams with an average 97.3% pass rate and the Dark Pundit : Essentials Degree to top it all off. He has been an active member since his recruitment, popping up on IRC, talking with new recruits and seasoned members as if he had been here all along, treating everyone with the same respect and friendship he would expect from anyone else. His drive knows no bounds, and once he sets his sights on a target, he will pursue that objective until its completion. We need more members like Kul. There are many things our newer members could learn from his approach to the Brotherhood and he sets an example to all, qualifying for the ACC and gaining Shadow Academy rank III : Sophomore. I would like to see Kul take on a more demanding role, as I believe he is up to it and needs a challenge - something to drive him even more towards his goals. I have no hesitation in recommending Kul for promotion to Jedi Hunter. He has been at his current rank for way too long and I believe it's holding him back. It is time he moved on, and the promotion is well deserved for his fantastic commitment to the club and its members. Well done Kul'tak, keep up the fantastic work and never lose that drive and determination I saw in you from the beginning. Well deserved, Apprentice.

Envoy Taranae Rhode, 2014-11-08 23:05:42 UTC