Event Details

Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Vivackus Kavon di Plagia
Primary reason

Every once in a while, a new member comes along and makes things look easy. Misium joined just about a month ago, put his foot on the gas, and hasn't let off. From a leadership perspective, members like this are extremely exciting. The sky is the limit for a person like Misium.

Paradoxically, new members often shy away from competing when it comes to large DJB-wide events. Not so for Misium. He was a member for less than a week when Fading Light started, and yet he completed all five events, including a top-10 finish in the gaming event with almost 400 matches played. During that same timeframe, he also achieved two Pendants of Blood for ToR gaming. By any stretch, Misium has been one of the Clan's most active members since the day he joined.

Misium has even found ways to contribute beyond the conventional. Lots of Journeymen take a bunch of SA courses, but Misium found time to nab a Scroll of Foundation by helping the Headmaster correct a number of errors within the Journeyman Hall Courses. Misium is almost always on IRC and frequently conversing; always around, and never afraid to venture an opinion. It seems like Misium has been a member of Plagueis for a lot longer than a month, because he's become such a strong presence everywhere in Plagueis lately.

Keep up the good work, Misium. If you do, I’ve got a feeling I’ll be writing a lot of these reccs.

Vivackus Kavon di Plagia, 2014-11-10 01:07:14 UTC