When a leader tells their unit “do all the things,” few members follow through on that directive in the literal sense. Brimstone is one of those members. Brimstone was one of five members of Plagueis to participate in all 5 events in Fading Light 3, and his activity is not limited to vendettas. Brimstone has made submissions to 20 competitions in the past four months, a count which few members can match, and netting 4 crescents. That’s not all Brimstone does. He games regularly, gaining 20 Clusters of Fire for PvP matches, and a Pennant of Blood for Diablo III.
Brimstone may not be in leadership currently (though he did serve as BTL for a short stint), but he leads by example. When Plagueis was put on probation for falling below the 40 member minimum, he didn't just sit back and let the leadership handle the problem. He did something about it. He aggressively promotes the DJB on social media, as evidenced by his 4 Seals of Indoctrination since September. His effort to improve Clan Plagueis is directly visible in the other members we have with us today.
He is also one of the best cheerleaders for Plagueis’ members, always offering support and congratulations when someone reaches a promotion or gets an award, or just by sharing a Star Wars-related video with the Clan. It's this kind of support that makes Brimstone so special. Barely a news post or a report goes by that Brimstone doesn't lend a supportive word to those whose accomplishments are listed within. Brimstone recently got his third Seal of Loyalty (nominated by our DGM, no less). If there is any member who exemplifies loyalty, it's Brimstone.
Vivackus Kavon di Plagia, 2014-11-17 00:46:43 UTC