When I returned to Tarentum a year ago and took up charge as it's Aedile, the unit was in a completely different state and I felt it needed some old school reawakening. While HOU had been made my home, I couldn't bare to watch a unit suffer when I have such strong feelings for it. Since that time the unit has made great strides and seems to have reclaimed a sense of direction for itself and its member and while I am happy for their development I miss the community that I was apart of in Odan-Urr. Both these units have earned my loyalty but I cannot serve both. I wish Tarentum the best of luck, and look forward to meeting my friends on the battlefield in the next GJW.
To Odan-Urr, I wish to rejoin the House I helped Ji, Solari, and so many others start and look forward to joining the new progress the house has made while I was away.
Watchman Lontra Boglach, 2014-11-20 16:15:04 UTC