Event Details

Event ID
Anshar Kahn Tarentae
Amethyst Kukri
Requested by
Primary reason

Anshar has been an outstanding member of the Shadow Academy. There is nothing he can’t or won’t do, Anshar is as capable a leader as I have seen, and his efforts with new members thru the Shadow Academy and Envoys are simply outstanding. I can say without a doubt that Anshar is more then capable of leading both the Envoys and Shadow Academy should the need arise, and for the past several months he has been the unofficial leader of the Envoys. On top of his outstanding work with new members, Anshar has done great service for Clan Tarentum as QUA of House Gladius going as far as earning the name of the Clan. The future is very bright for Anshar with his drive and great work there is nothing that will prevent him from rising even further in the Brotherhood. With of that said and the blessing of the Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master I herby award Anshar Kahn Tarentae with an Amethyst Kukri.

By my hand

Spears Tarentae Headmaster

, 2005-02-11 23:00:00 UTC