Event Details

Event ID
Dark Cross
Requested by
Mandalorian Darcy Avarik
Primary reason

I wish to award a Dark Cross to Lambow for his recent efforts in the third round of the Fading Light Vendetta. He participated in three of five competitions, including writing a superb fiction within a short period of time. It is good to see you around more, Lambow, you are sorely missed and I look forward to you enjoying your time in the Knights of Allusis.

Mandalorian Darcy Avarik, 2014-11-26 23:04:26 UTC
Additional reasons

I would like to award Sentinel Watchman Lambow (The Mysterious Wookie) with a Dark Cross. Lambow is a recent addition to Knights of Allusis, but his service to Odan Urr stretches back to 2011 when House Revan was shuttered. Since joining HOU, Lambow has been hit with a series of RL “timeouts” that have set back his activity. When he is able to do things within the House he can put people to shame.

In the time since his last award, Lambow has participated in 7 competitions. One was a 1st place submission for Week 1 of Return of the Light. Another 3 were submission to the recent RIte of Supremacy, Fading Light 3. Lambow managed to put out an excellent 3000+ word fiction within a few short days. For this he was awarded 6 Clusters of Ice, and 3 Seals of the Crusader.

I have known Lambow since I was in Scholae Palatinae, and he is an excellent team player. I look forward to seeing what he brings to the table for KoA, and for Day 1 of GJW when he sharpens his claws on the One Sith scum.

General Daniel Stephens, 2014-11-26 23:03:56 UTC