Event Details

Event ID
Raider Jon Silvon
Dark Cross
Requested by
Lord Evio Nezsa
Primary reason

Arron Saylos, since reaching Guardian 4 months ago, has been in constant communication about what he'd like to achieve in fictionally developing his character. He has been active in 5 different competitions, winning a pair of Legions of Scholar and a crescent. He even just wrapped up running a fiction topic competition for the unit creating opportunities for others. These things are easy to see, what isn't are the lengthy character fictions he's written for me to review as his Master, the wiki page he's been developing for his character that have come from many email conversations. He has achieved a lot in developing his character, so much that isn't seen, that I'd like to award him with this Dark Cross in appreciation for his accomplishments on his path towards Knighthood.

Lord Evio Nezsa, 2014-12-09 07:32:27 UTC
Additional reasons

It is always good to see a member continue to strive toward excellence. He has participated in several competitions since getting promoted, both on a house and DJB wide scale. As thanks for his continued efforts I recommend him for this DC.

Lord Idris Adenn, 2014-12-09 06:13:52 UTC