Event Details

Event ID
Antar Locke
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Warrior (Equite 1)
Requested by
Legorii Arconae
Primary reason

I am honoured to be recommending Antar Locke for his elevation to the rank of Equite One. He has been a driven and devoted member to the Brotherhood, always giving his full effort in everything he does. Making him a valued part of Clan Arcona and House Galeres and helping keep them a active unit inside of the Brotherhood as a whole.

Antar has been going like crazy, everytime I look at my inbox I normally see his name come up earning himself another medal, or doing another competition he never stops. His interesting and activity inside of competitions has been outstanding as he continues to push himself to do the best he can, from gaming to fiction this guy goes out of his way to improve all the time. Since his last elevation he has managed to take part in an impressive thirty-two competitions. From Crusade events, to House operations. For all of his hard work and effort he has been rewarded with the following medals: Two Crescents with Sapphire Star, Two Crescents with Emerald Star, Two Crescents with Topaz Star as well as earning himself six Seals of the Crusader. Helping Clan Arcona continue to place and participate highly inside of the Crusade.

Antar continues to shine in both areas of the Brotherhood, he has recently been spending his time gaming away, though its not a lot Antar continues to try and improve in gaming, and has participated in these events when it matters most, earning himself twenty-one Clusters of Fire. Antar continues to write this can be inside of the Run-On’s that have been going for the House and Clan as well as fictional events and anyway that he can find earning himself fifteen Clusters of Ice for all of his work and contribution fictionally to the club. Antar is also giving members things to do inside of the Brotherhood this has been in the form of him running three competitions for members to get involved in an participate in.

Antar continues to excel inside of the Brotherhood, expanding his knowledge of how the Brotherhood works as a whole. He has done this by hitting the Shadow Academy, and let me tell you its been amazing to see Antar expand himself, already racking up an impressive Twenty-Seven Shadow Academy Exams. This has seen him continue to expand not only his knowledge but also managed to get himself the following degrees inside of the Shadow Academy: Dark Maven - Lore, Dark Magen - Galactic History, Dark Maven - Web Design as well as a Dark Savant - Writing and Philosophy and a Dark Savant in History and Lore. While Antar continues to step up in all these areas he has also now made an impact inside of Leadership being a Battleteam Sergeant of Nighthawk.

Congratulations on your elevation to the rank of Equite one Antar you have earned this one for a long time now bud. Keep up the hard work and I look forward to seeing what work you do in the future man. Drinks are on you this time!

Cethgus Tiberius Entar Arconae

Quaestor of House Galeres

Antar has stepped up for Arcona in a big way, becoming Battleteam Sergeant of Nighthawk and cementing himself as one of the most active, successful young members in the Clan. His litany of Shadow Academy courses passed, degrees conferred, awards received, and competitions placed is vast. Esca gushes about him and how useful he is as a second-in-command, and Nighthawk certainly would not have the success it has had without his selflessness. It's hard to call Antar "inconspicuous," when his name pops up in every other email in my inbox, but he manages to fly under the radar despite this.

Antar, you've more than earned this elevation to the Equite ranks. Thank you for your leadership and contributions to Arcona, and congratulations!

Proconsul of Clan Arcona

Legorii Arconae, 2014-12-24 06:06:30 UTC
Additional reasons

Today I am proud to assist in the elevation of Antar Locke from Knighthood into the ranks of the Equites. Antar has been a guiding light ever since joining Nighthawk, Galeres and Clan Arcona, to which I am sure everyone viewing can agree. When he first joined, he was just seen as the casual recruit, but soon put those traits aside when he tore into the Shadow Academy with no signs of slowing. Of his seventy-two courses completed, twenty-seven were passed while holding the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. In passing these many courses, he attained three Mavens and two Savants. No easy feat! This simply shows Antar’s dedication to his units as well as the Brotherhood as a whole, expanding his knowledge of the Star Wars Universe and the DJBs smaller part of it.

For the past three and a half months, Antar has served as my second in command within the Nighthawk Battleteam, and I have to say that I can’t thank him enough. He is always prodding me on IRC asking what can be done for the members and the unit himself. He has assisted in writing the Battleteam reports, having a section dedicated to the ‘Words of the Commander’ where he details competitions that would be of interest to the unit and ensures that activity trackers are up to date so that we may accurately award the members most deserving. Antar has also written sixteen-hundred words that describe the fictional roles of the ship positions that will be integrated in the new Nighthawk wiki pages. In a way, Antar has contributed a large part of what Nighthawk is today!

I see Antar as one of our members that will one day rise to leadership within Arcona and excel at it. Just recently, he took the reigns of Nighthawk, for just a week, and publicized a report on my behalf to keep the crew up to date and keep our schedule rolling. This drive proves to me that Antar is one of our trusted individuals that wants to expand his abilities within the Brotherhood and offer his helping hand in any way possible.

Antar, you have been a great asset to myself and the rest of Arcona. I am proud to see you join me in the ranks of the Equites, and I hope to be of aid when it comes to your future promotions. Keep up the wondrous work you put forth, and congratulations on Sith Warrior!

Arcia Cortel, Captain of the Nighthawk

Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel, 2014-12-24 06:06:18 UTC