Chrome has been around a little over a month now as part of Scholae Palatinae, but how quickly he found himself engaged in our community and just another part of our great team you'd think he'd been around much longer. I know that quickly finding your place so effortlessly is not a requirement of a promotion to Guardian, but in this case I feel it entirely worth noting as my first chance to write a recommendation and ensuring it's on the record how glad I am to see Chrome ready for his next promotion so quickly, and I look forward to much more from him in the future.
His participation in 9 competitions so far, and an incredible amount of gaming earning 40 CF and GMRG Rank 2 along with some Shadow Academy work has earned him this promotion.
Congratulations Chrome, I hope to be writing the next one of these before I know it.
Lord Nevan Taelyan, 2015-01-12 06:25:24 UTC