Event Details

Event ID
Old Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

To whom it may concern:

Jedi Hunter Ulfsark has been a long and constant burning member of Scholae Palatinae. His history of accomplishments and activity in the club are astounding. To date, he has participated in some 75 different competitions. They range from the on going GJW, to DJB wide gaming, to the Crusade, to random HSP-only competitions. From these he has earned a tonnage of Crescents. 5 Ruby Stars, 1 Amethyst, 3 Sapphire, 5 Emerald, 6 Topaz, and 3 Quartz. On top of this, he has earned 2 Dark Crosses, 2 Legions of the Scholar, 408 Clusters of Ice (Bringing him to GMRG Rank V), and a Pendant of Blood.

Ulfsark continues to impress with his consistent activity. At this time, I feel he has more than shown he is ready to be made a Dark Jedi Knight. This has been a long time coming Ulfsark. Congratulations, Drinks are on you!

Lord Idris Adenn, 2015-01-26 21:07:58 UTC
Additional reasons

Ulfsark has done 75 competitions since joining the DJB almost 6 years ago, though some are captions, trivia or graphics, his concentration has been primarily on gaming and recently reaching GMRG rank V. While competing, he has earned 23 crescents, with 1st or 2nd place in many gaming competitions due to skill or effort. While his impressive accomplishments in the field of gaming have not touched all surfaces of the multi-faced DJB, it is certainly accomplishment enough for Dark Jedi Knight. Congratulations Ulfsark. It's great to have you as part of the Scholae Palatinae community, and look forward to gaming with you in the future.

Lord Evio Nezsa, 2015-01-26 06:31:51 UTC

Ulfsark is a member that young journeyman would look up to and aspire to achieve what he has done. He is a member that burned like a small ember but never faded away until when I met him and soon became a burning star within the team. If you are a gamer, he is the go to guy in the team. The team has diversity with fiction writers, gamers, graphic artists with Ulfsark demonstrating that he is the forefront of gamers in the team. He is a very active gamer by recently reaching GMRG rank of V. He may soon rival the great gamers that this club has seen so far if he hasn't already done so. He has participated in 75 competitions with a considerable amount of those leading to crescents. This displays his passion for his gaming that is rewarded in his skill often being rewarded.

He continues to display a drive for activity by participating in the recent round of the GJW, the looking home campaign, the crusades, the Acclivis Draco competition just to name a few. I am proud of his accomplishments and am certain that his activity will improve to show in the team and across the club as a Dark Jedi Knight! Ojb well done and Congratulations to you Ulfsark!

Lucyeth, 2015-01-26 16:54:07 UTC

Ulfsark is a remarkable apprentice. Words fail me in describing how unique this brother is but I will try. His sheer output of activity over a sustained period is unprecedented as is the quality and intensity of his competitive nature. Ulfsark is constantly in contact with me about his progress and how to better both his career but most importantly the unit as a whole. His rapid advance to GMRG Level V is a testament to his abilities. Likewise, the number of Crescents earned has earned him a place of admiration and respect among his peers in Acclivis Draco and Scholae Palatinae. Simply put, if Acclivis Draco had three Ulfsarks the Battleteam would be the best in the Brotherhood, bar none.

Mauro Wynter, 2015-01-26 20:41:08 UTC