Event Details

Event ID
Lord Halcyon
Grand Cross
Requested by
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
Primary reason

Halcyon Rokir Taldrya is quite simply awesome. His work is nothing short of amazing, and has continued to be so for an almost impossible amount of time. The bottom line is, nothing I do in the running of Taldryan would be possible without Halc. He’s almost always the first eyes and ears on anything I manage, and whenever I drop a ball he’s right there to pick it up. Halc’s my guy, whether it’s as PCON or as Recruitment Tribune, and I’m lucky to have him backing me up.

When it comes to leadership philosophies, Halc and I share a general tenet: you lead from the front. In this, Halc has had ample opportunity to shine in the course of the Crusades, Fading Light, and finally the Great Jedi War. He managed to maintain a perfect record throughout Fading Light, and participated in 8 out of 11 events in the Great Jedi War.

Even when not counting vendettas, since his last award Halc has participated in 36 Competitions, run 8, posted news and reports all over the place, and won a number of Crescents and Clusters. Halc is everything I have come to rely upon in Taldryan, and I hope I can count on him for many years to come.

Congrats on your Grand Cross Halcyboy.


DJM Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2015-02-18 21:54:57 UTC
Additional reasons

Halc has been a fine Quaestor Ektrosis in the past half a year (since his last award), and his excellent work is demonstrated no better than during a Great Jedi War. Halc led from the front, both encouraging his house members to compete in events, and offering guidance and assistance as required - he also competed - and earned himself a number of novae in the process. As my collegues have elected to discuss Halc's more subjective and leaderly accomplishments, I am going to discuss what I do best, hard numbers. In addition to his excellent GJW work, Halc has been a mountain of internal leadership and personal activity: participating in 42 competitions, organizing 8 competitions, earning a Gold Nova (from Fading Light), 9 crescents, 307 Clusters of Fire, a Pendant of Blood, 13 Clusters of Ice, and a Legion of the Scholar. For his dedication to Clan Taldryan, as demonstrated by both personal activity and broader leadership, I recommend Halcyon be awarded a Grand Cross of the Dark Side!

Howlader Taldrya, 2015-02-18 21:54:33 UTC