Event Details

Event ID
Mayda Ferium
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Lord Evio Nezsa
Primary reason

Mayda transferred back to Scholae Palatinae mid-war, and wasted no time catching back up on the fictional ongoings and integrating her character. The fact that she caught up so quickly in a matter of days and did all the things was definitely commendable, she did all 4 of the individual events, and all of the group events including forming a late run-on with a few other late joins and taking it on herself to see it completed. In addition to this she has already begun diving into other available opportunities and talking about what the House is up to after the war. While the rest of us are tired and grinding out the conclusion of the war, her great energy and work for the House is very welcomed and this Anteian Cross is a token of appreciation. Congratulations and great to have you back Mayda.

Lord Evio Nezsa, 2015-02-18 06:47:32 UTC