Event Details

Event ID
Corvus Corax
Steel Cross
Requested by
Mandalorian Darcy Avarik
Primary reason

Seridan is one of those active members that makes it so much easier to be in a position of leadership within our club. He has a long history of being active, and over the last half a year he has shown some outstanding activity.

Since his last award in May, he has participated in 21 competitions, two of which were events in the eleventh Great Jedi War. He has earnt 19 Clusters (2x Sapphire, 3x Emerald, 2x Amethyst, 8x Topaz, 3x Quartz, 1x Ruby). He has collected 15 Clusters of Fire and a Cluster of Ice. These are impressive stats, but most impressive is his attitude. He is always positive and ‘can do’, and never complains about the work he is given; indeed, recently he completed a detailed wiki page for the Shadow Company (https://wiki.darkjedibrotherhood.com/view/Shadow_Company), which is to become our external Covert Operations NPC group. The article is fantastic, and his quick response (he volunteered and completed it in four days), great ideas and hard work show clearly in this page.

For these efforts, Seridan, I am proud to award you another Steel Cross, and I look forward to seeing what you do next when you come back from Moscow. Congratulations, Seridan!

Mandalorian Darcy Avarik, 2015-02-19 05:31:20 UTC
Additional reasons

Seridan has always been the member you could count on for activity. Though his hard work and dedication has earned him two Steel Crosses and two Dark Crosses, it has done more by leaving an everlasting impression on his peers and earning him a special place in the hearts of his Summit. He frequently displays an enthusiasm that is seldom seen by any other member and broadcasts it over both the HOU mailer and IRC channel. In his 47 days as Battle-Team Sergeant of Strike-Team Ooroo, he helped with a major overhaul of the StO wiki page as well as contributed ideas for our various competitions. He has lent his graphics skill to make various promotional emails and pictures needed for the Ooroo Olympic Games, still in development. Seridan has actively recruited three members to the StO roster, making it at one time the largest Battle-Team in the Club.

Since his last award, he has participated in 21 competitions and earned 19 Crescents of varying degrees. He has earned a Cluster of Ice and 15 Clusters of Fire.

In recognition for always going above and beyond I hereby award Seridan Brehevik with a Steel Cross. Thank you, Seridan. You will always have a seat here in HOU.

Grand Inquisitor Lizuni Heraga, 2015-02-19 05:28:20 UTC

Seridan Brehevik is the kind of member a Summit dreams of having on their team. Dedicated, but not headstrong. Eager, but not cocky. Capable, but not arrogant. Ambitious, but not selfish. Since he became a part of Odan-Urr, Seridan has shown us that he is more than just a capable member; he is a Leader, one who simply needs his first proper seat to show his stuff.

Though other recommendations can outline the metrics and numbers behind this award, I felt that raw numbers did not speak to Seridan's dedication. Since he began serving Odan-Urr during the Dark Crusade, he has been present again and again as a member who is both quiet and impossible to miss. Whenever a team needed a leader, Seridan quietly assumed the position. Whenever an event needed submissions, or a project needed an extra hand, the guy was there. This speaks to his character, and shows that not only is he the type of person the Brotherhood sorely needs more of - he's one of the few who is not afraid to step up and act without his hand held, or without a red carpet at his feet.

This Brotherhood doesn't have enough good soldiers; I can only hope this one stays with us and continues to show how excellent he is. Congratulations on your Steel Cross, Seridan. We love you, man, and we wish you the best.

Liam Torun-Urr, 2015-02-19 05:29:22 UTC

It has been only three or four days since I started up the House Odan-Urr Wiki Update Project through which I aim to help the House update over 40 wiki pages and help members learn wiki editing, House history, develop fiction and earn great rewards while doing so. The fact that Seridan stepped up immediately asking to help...well it surprised me. He has stepped up with suggestions for the Shadow Company wiki page, which was very much out-of-date. On his own he created the masterpiece we see now. 3.167 words, or 16.436 letters, a unique structure and story, very detailed NPCs and great images to boot - all of this in a day or two. For this impressive feat, and many more listed in the recommendations before this one, I would like to award Seridan Brehevik a Steel Cross.

Boss Morgan B. Sorenn, 2015-02-19 05:29:52 UTC