Event Details

Event ID
Occultan Iacul
Old Rank
Krath Priest (Equite 1)
New Rank
Krath Archpriest (Equite 2)
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

It’s easy to take certain things for granted in the DB. Especially the members who make a very serious commitment to become more than members and serve as leaders. Sight, or Mako as he now goes by, is the Clan Rollmaster of Arcona (encompassing members of both House Qel-Droma and House Galeres), but goes so far beyond his duties overseeing the Journeyman that I almost picture him like a third Quaestor. He is able to flex between both houses with ease, getting along with members and leaders of both. On top of that, he finds a way to be one of Arcona’s most active members.

Since his last promotion to Krath Priest 9 months ago, Sight has earned 2662 CFs, 6 PoBs, competed in 55 competitions, placed 2nd for GMRG 3rd Quarter, and 5th for GMRG 4th Quarter. He added a LoS and a SoI to his belt as well. In Great Jedi War XI, he earned 11 seals and even took home a Gold Novae with a brilliant Multi-Media entry.

For the last 6 months, he has served diligently as Rollmaster, overseeing 4 Dark Jedi Knightings so far. He recently earned a Grand Cross for his efforts, but with plenty of new members coming in as recruits or otherwise, he is still always busy and staying on top of things. I’ve never seen a Journeyman promotion wait for more than an hour or two whenever it showed up. That is dedication, and that is what makes him so much more than just the “Rollmaster.”

Sight deserves this Promotion, and if that fact isn't obvious to you? You’re poodoo.

Congratulations, Sight. Thank you for everything you do for Arcona, both seen and unseen.

Consul of Clan Arcona

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2015-02-20 22:59:30 UTC
Additional reasons

Mako can only be referred to as a powerhouse. With his dual role as Clan Rollmaster and member of Nighthawk, arguably one of the most active Battleteams in Arcona, Mako has been one of the driving reasons the Clan and Battleteam succeed as much as they do. I haven’t seen a member as dedicated to his positions as I have with Mako in a long time, and that makes me proud to serve alongside him in the Clan and Battleteam. His drive to ensure that all of the journeyman are well taken care of is near unmatched, as he continuously requests updates from the Masters to verify the training is on course. Furthermore---

You know what, Mako is a damn good RM and Battleteam member. He does his best and has plenty to show for it.

Congratulations, Mako. You’re one step closer to mastery.

  • Captain of the Nighthawk

Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel, 2015-02-20 21:34:56 UTC

Sight, or Mako as he goes by now, has been a friend of mine since we were both lighties in Odan-Urr. Having come up as members slogging through vendettas and events together, climbing the ranks of GMRG together and serving together as leaders on the Arcona summit I can attest that Sight has one of the best work ethics of any member I have seen. His word is his bond and when he sets his mind to something he gives it his all. Those may sound like trite platitudes but his record bears witness to the truth of my words.

As a Aedile and now Quaestor I’ve had the pleasure of working with Sight in his capacity as Rollmaster. I take pride in taking care of my Journeymen, but Sight is so on top of his game he usually beats me to the punch. He often has promotion recs drafted days in advance, he’s lightning fast with greeting and welcoming new members and on at least one occasion got up in the dark watches of the night to turn in a promo rec when I whatsapp’d him about a member becoming eligible.

Sight is a paragon of what it means to be an Equite and a leader in the Brotherhood. This promotion is a formal recognition of what many of us already know. Congrats bro, you’ve set the bar high as usual.

  • Quaestor, House Qel-Droma, Clan Arcona

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2015-02-20 22:59:26 UTC