As Magik's master I have never seen a student such as Magik. His dedication and determination with his studies at the Shadow Academy has been truly abundant. He has put the time in to learn all he can from all of us combined. Anything he doesn't know he quickly finds the answer.
He has a great attitude with his ability to compete. As only being with us for three months, he has submitted to 10 competitions. He also has run three competitions with myself on a clan level.
Magik is an asset to Tarentum. He has kept the momentum going strong. His great attitude coupled with his die hard determination will always lead to success. I am proud to be his master and will continue to tinder his flame. He is a shining example of what the brotherhood is all about, and should be rewarded for his hard work and actions.
Great work and keep it up Magik!
Egregious, 2015-02-21 02:01:54 UTC