Kooki was my deputy in Battleteam Arete, though she wasn’t officially put into the position until the very end. She helped with wiki editing, bouncing ideas for fiction and a theme for each report. I am very grateful for every ounce of assistance she was able to lend despite difficulties in her real life. She became known as the ‘Mom of Qel-Droma’ for her caring and sensitivity for members of our extended family in Arcona. While we were sad to see her go, I know she will happily continue on working towards the betterment of Clan Arcona as a whole.
Her recent entry into the November-December Pilot of the Antei Contract Bureau was nothing short of phenomenal, especially when considering that it was her very first contract. It’s rare for people to score above half in their first attempt, much less a second or third. The amount of people that I have seen accomplish this can be counted on one hand and it is a testament to her skill.
As far as personal accomplishments go, Kooki has participated in numerous competitions, earning several shinies along the way whether it be fiction or getting a gaming entry in for the War. Speaking of the war, Kooki participated in ten of the eleven available events, an impressive feat given the hectic real life schedule and balancing raising a child at the same time. Whilst we’re sad to see her go, and we know she will do great things for House Galeres, it is my pleasure to recommend this Steel Cross for Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj for her efforts and continued support of the Shadow Clan.
Congratulations, Amy!
- Aedile, House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona
Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri, 2015-02-21 23:19:38 UTC