Event Details

Event ID
Ghost Rulvak Qurroc
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Primary reason

WarpStar is one of Arcona’s newest members and the most junior of Nighthawk. When he came to us, he had already attained almost seven HUNDRED Clusters of Fire and he is only a Guardian. This shows the sheer dedication to gaming that Warp has. When he first came to us in Arcona, we felt he was only going to be one of those members that plays the games, but does nothing else. He proved us wrong in a heartbeat, beginning with the changing of name. Now known as Rulvak, he has gained five Pendants of Blood and four Seals of Revelation for his participation in gaming and the Great Jedi War. As if his impressive medal case isn’t enough, Rulvak has completed 21 Shadow Academy courses, achieving a 95% or higher in all of them, as well as two Dark Pundits. The creation of his character sheet was just another example that he is wanting to become more within the Brotherhood, and I believe that with all of his hard work, a Anteian Cross is more than deserved. Congratulations, Warp. Continue making us proud!

Arcia Cortel, Captain of the Nighthawk

I am honoured to be recommending Warpstar for his first ever merit medal, as he has been an active and dedicated member since joining House Galeres and Clan Arcona. Helping Arcona come to take First Clan in the Great Jedi War.

Though new to the club, he has easily shown that he is willing to give anything a chance regardless of if it suits his skills or not. These can be by going crazy inside of the Shadow Academy, or even just helping other members with proofing. Getting involved inside of his Battleteam and working with Arcia to continue to develop the background of the team, he is always full of ideas and stepping out from the normal and showing his own opinion even with very little experience inside of the club compared to some of the members that he works with. Showing that he is not just following the usual pattern but instead going out of his way to help others even if he needs to learn something knew in the process. Going that extra mile for not only bettering himself, but the Clan and his team as well.

Congratulations on this Anteian Cross, keep up the hard work inside of the team and I look forward to seeing you continue to progress in the future.

Proconsul of Naga Sadow

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2015-02-22 19:27:08 UTC