Event Details

Event ID
Archpriestess Aay'han Agrona Beviin
Dark Cross
Requested by
Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Primary reason

Nath is one of those members that’s always around when you need her most. Though her life outside the DJB takes up much of her time, Nath is always one to continue doing her best to contribute to the units growth, whether it is through wiki assistance, mentoring new members or just general activity. Since Nath’s most recent award of merit, she has managed to participate in 7 competitions, attaining one Crescent with Amethyst Star, one Crescent with Emerald Star, four Clusters of Ice and four Seals of Revelation. Nath is also hard at work with NPC creation for the Nighthawk as well as offering points for the Nighthawk BT and ship wikis. To top it all off, Nath has recently finished an Antei Combat Center battle that is awaiting judgement, being one of the few, aside from the bracket, matches to be completed since the reopening of the ACC!

It is that drive and desire to continue growing within the Brotherhood that brings me to offering a Dark Cross to Nath. Thank you for all you do, and continue strong. Congratulations!

Arcia Cortel, Captain of the Nighthawk

I am honoured to be recommending Nath for this Dark Cross, she has been an active and dedicated member inside of Clan Arcona and House Galeres. Participating in the Great Jedi War to help Arcona achieve First Clan in the Brotherhood, for her hard work and effort she has earned this Dark Cross. Congratulations on this merit medal, keep up the hard work inside of the clan.

Proconsul of Naga Sadow

Cethgus Tiberius Entar, 2015-02-22 19:27:41 UTC