Event Details

Event ID
Jalen Ramz
Old Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

As Rollmaster of Clan Tarentum, it is my great pleasure to recommend Jalen Ramz for promotion to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. Jalen has been a model member of our Clan for six months, steadily working towards this all-important milestone. Along the way, he has shown himself to be capable in numerous areas of the Brotherhood, including competitions of all sorts (having competed in 15 of them and placing in five!) and the Shadow Academy (even going so far as to take some of the more difficult courses in the Department of Leadership). Where Jalen has excelled most especially, however, is in gaming - he currently holds 415 Clusters of Fire and three Pendants of Blood. I have full faith that his will be a name soon at the top of the GMRG lists where Tarentum historically has been. It is for these reasons, and those that I'm sure the rest of my Summit brothers will detail below, that I cannot recommend him highly enough for immediate promotion to Dark Jedi Knight. Congrats, Jalen, you've definitely earned it.

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2015-03-15 13:55:38 UTC
Additional reasons

Jalen Ramz is a member that Tarentum needed. A constant presence through his actions, Jalen is among our top competitors in gaming and competitions, having recently just been elevated to GMRG 5. To do so, Jalen inspired other members in Tarentum and the Brotherhood to play with him and brought about a wave of activity from others. On top of GMRG 5, Jalen also earned 3 Pendants of Blood as well as 75 Clusters of Fire. Jalen has done more in his time as Jedi Hunter than some members in Tarentum have done in a year, and it's commendable.

On top of his activity levels, Jalen has the attitude of an amazing member. Though he is a little quiet at times, it is only because he is diligently working on whatever was given to him. Since he became my apprentice, Jalen has done everything that was asked of him and never once complained about the obstacles in his path. He's a wonderful member and I'm very pleased to recommend him for Dark Jedi Knight. Congrats Jalen!

Sala Fe, 2015-03-14 02:37:48 UTC

Reaching Knighthood is no easy feat in the Brotherhood, yet it is something achieved by everyone who is devoted to this club. It’s easy to say, at this rank, a member has shown that they have more than a passing or casual interest in the club - they’re made a commitment and this rank is our way of making good on that commitment. The last of the Journeymen ranks, Dark Jedi Knight is the gateway to both earn and experience more in the Brotherhood.

Jalen Ramz, or just plainly Ramz to us in Tarentum, has reached this threshold. He is this clan’s most dedicated TOR member, and someone whom I hope the clan summit can continue to look to for support as we restructure our focus there. He is an prime example that you can easily be a success focusing on your interests in the DJB, that you don’t have to take on uninteresting or unappealing aspects to - your goals can be met by doing what you love. Ramz reminds us all that there is more to Tarentum than just the writers, and while it has been some time since Tarentum has had an elite gaming core, Ramz is the lead member we have bringing back that reputation; one TOR flashpoint at a time. Combine his gaming efforts, which have amassed him a fortune in Cluster of Fires and Pendant of Bloods, with his competition entries and placements, his GMRG rank, his Shadow Academy courses and degrees, and with the recent Dark Cross he received; Jalen Ramz is ready to become the first Knight of the re-clanned Tarentum. However, its also the attitude he brings; providing a friendly, welcoming, and engaging environment to our members with a willingness to provide assistance to his clansmates should they ever need anything in his realm of focus. Therefore, for his own efforts to reach this rank along with the strength he provides to Tarentum with his presence; I’d like to recommend Ramz to be promoted to Dark Jedi Knight.

Congrats, and I look forward to hearing what your next goal is. ~RK~

Sage Lontra Boglach, 2015-03-14 04:18:58 UTC