Event Details

Event ID
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
Old Rank
Warrior (Equite 1)
New Rank
Battlemaster (Equite 2)
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

Why does Zoron deserve a promotion? Let me count the ways (and there are many). Roughly 6 months ago Zoron first joined the Equites, and since then he has continued to be rock-solid in all aspects of the club. Since that time he has competed in 63 competitions (including 8 in the GJW alone), earning himself 25 Crescents in the process. He has not been a slouch in the gaming front either, earning 332 Clusters of Fire in the time as well as a Pendant of Blood. He also hasn't been a slouch in the learning department, earning himself 4 more Dark Mavens. His activity has earned him 2 Steel Crosses as well.

However, it's not just about the straight-up activity with Zoron. His steady hand is also used in leadership, where he continues to be a solid member of the Taldryan summit. He has run 10 competitions during that time, many of them DB-wide, while also posting up 12 reports. He is a constant source of communication, always replaying quickly to e-mail as well as being available often on IRC. He has done everything asked of him as both BTL and Aedile, and we see only more good things with him as Quaestor.

Overall, Zoron is a member anyone would want in their Clan. He does it all and he does it well. He continues to live up to the potential we see in him, and we look forward to him continuing on in that upwards trajectory. I am more than happy to see him move on in rank, so congratulations Zoron!

Lord Halcyon, 2015-03-17 23:54:19 UTC
Additional reasons

Zoron is one of those guys that immerses himself into the Brotherhood. His activity level is commendable. Not waiting to show up for just major events, Zoron puts out many competitions submissions each month. He also runs one of the most popular reoccurring non-gaming competitions in the DJB, everyone's favorite Speed Sporacle. On the gaming side he's been recruiting people to participate in the Tier 2 game Star Conflict. Though through all this activity it seems like he is always working on a SA course.

As a leader he really shines. His reports are reliable, informative, and not set to a set length but rather the length they need to be at that time. When a question comes up about Ektrosis his responses are quick on email or IRC and he makes sure the issue is solved as soon as possible.

I feel I'm being to vague on Zoron's merits so I'll leave you with an example. During the last GJW it became obvious that our run on was going to be disqualified due to a member have rl issues. Rather than everyone just posting to get submission points Zoron still ran editing suggestions prior to posts because the quality of the submissions was that important to him. This caused the rest of us to still try to put out a fun story. Its acts like that which make Zoron stand out above other members.

Raistline Taldrya Majere, 2015-03-16 22:05:42 UTC

Zoron's been a (returned) member of the Brotherhood for a little over a year now, and he's already got the temperment and drive of a leader far beyond his years. He has an uncanny ability to motivate people in his house as Quaestor - and that was true as Aedile as well, and I suspect that his skills will only improve as time goes on.

Zoron also looks beyond Taldryan, and here I'm not talking about his service to Sarin in magistrate positions - but rather, overall. He's the kind of guy that is willing (and just as important: able) to go up against senior leaders in the Brotherhood in pursuit of what is right and/or what should be done. Frankly, I think Zoron's qualities as a leader in this club are things that more people should have, and I hope others choose to follow his example in the future.

Congrats, Zoron!

Howlader Taldrya, 2015-03-17 13:55:54 UTC

I'm getting pretty sick of writing all these damned recommendations. Sadly, every time I think I'm out they pull me back in… and really, it would be impossible for me to sit back and sit this one out. At the end of the day, there are few people who I look at and recognize as a natural talent in the DB. I see people who are great gamers, or great writers, or good artists come and go every day. We're a club filled with spectacular people after all. But in order to be great in the DB… you need to have something else. It's a sense of awareness, or attention to detail, or something, I don't even know how to quantify it, but I know it when I see it.

Zoron has it in spades. Since he came into Taldryan I have been thanking my lucky stars that he was assigned to us, and have been largely sitting back and observing the man's rise from Journeymen into the Equites, and now House Leadership. Zoron has it, and does it all. He contributes to the DB by creating competitions for everyone, by helping Sarin as Voice/Deputy/Grand Master do whatever needs to be done, and by being a leader for his members, and all members of Taldryan.

Ultimately, I always just strive to compare to my own (rather vast) amounts of experience when evaluating members of Taldryan for promotion to any of the Equite ranks. I always tend to have an instinct when a member is, or isn't ready for their promotion. Zoron is. Hell he's probably already on par with what I expect out of someone much higher than him, but meh, for now, Sith Battlemaster will have to do.

Congrats Zoron!

Dark Prophet Keirdagh Taldryan Cantor

Consul of Clan Taldryan

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2015-03-17 23:14:29 UTC