Event Details

Event ID
Jabis Ravenhawk
Old Rank
Defender (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Padawan (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
General Daniel Stephens
Primary reason

My Student, Jabis Ravenhawk, continues to excel in the completion of his Jedi training. Standing beyond the twenty-one days required in rank, he has earned a merit medal as well as four Pendants of Blood, displaying his ability to compete and contribute at a higher level. He has also visited our Clan Channel on IRC, making his presence known there to his Summit, and has participated in five Brotherhood competitions as well. In addition, he has not only completed a Shadow Academy course from the Department of Leadership Studies, but has also risen to the third rank of the Shadow Academy Society. Finally, he has completed one thousand words of fiction that has been reviewed and approved of by both myself - his Master - and his Summit.

Jabis is deserving of no less than a promotion to Padawan. Congratulations, Ravenhawk - I look forward to your impending Knighthood with great zeal. - CCL Liam Torun

General Daniel Stephens, 2015-03-18 04:57:16 UTC
Additional reasons

Jabis has been a powerhouse of activity in the past week, bulldozing through his promotion requirements. He has also been working with his Master, Liam Torun, to develop his character history.

Liams recc accurately represents everything Jabis has done. I just wanted to say congrats and thank you to one of House Hoth's rising stars! Keep up the good work Jabis.

General Daniel Stephens, 2015-03-18 04:56:59 UTC