From Dralin:
It's not every day that someone achieves a personal milestone that makes everyone stand up and take notice, but today Qormus has done just that.
From his merit medal all the way back for his accomplishments as a Guardian, his stellar competition participation thus far (fifteen of the eight required by a Jedi Hunter), to the competition he ran with the help of his master Dacien, Qormus showed himself to be an impressive Journeyman and a credit to the Clan. After spending some time at the rank of Jedi Hunter, however, there was some time spent wondering "Where do I go next? What will get me to where I want to be?" Thankfully, he responded to my initial email from when I took over as Rollmaster, and as soon as I pointed him in the right direction, off he went. He passed not just two but three leadership exams (with top scores, I might add), has achieved the Shadow Academy rank of IV with his fantastic output of tests in general, has personally submitted to me a great 3,000 word character development fiction that made me want to learn more about his character, has snagged seven Pendents of Blood overall, and earned three Shadow Academy degrees. Mechanically, he has earned his spot, but his go-get-'em attitude and ability to fling himself about by his bootstraps tells me that he has long since been Dark Jedi Knight material.
Qormus, I am thrilled to personally recommend that the Master at Arms promotes you to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, and here's to your future as among the ranks of Clan Plagueis's Equites.
From Dacien (BubbaX):
Qormus rose rapidly through the ranks when he joined more than a year ago, but ran into trouble finding time to balance his real life obligations and the quest for Knighthood. Today, I am thrilled to see him finally complete that journey and take his first steps towards the rolls of the equites. Since resuming an active role in the Brotherhood, Qormus has been busy smashing demons in Diablo III and seeking out new project and leadership opportunities, hoping to make an impact on the Brotherhood as a whole. Congratulations, Qormus!
Dralin Fortea, 2015-03-19 15:18:31 UTC