Liam has helped immensely in the Clan Odan-Urr Wiki Update project. His contributions include, but are not limited to, updating and/or finishing these articles: Treaty of Menat Ombo, Odan-Urr Main page, Halls of the Watchmen, ā€ˇRenewal of Hope, Whenua, Odan-Urr Prospectus, Tetocoyan, The Pillars Of Menat, Thuron Monarchy, Cy Thuron and Deo Sol. His help in finishing these articles, populating them with recent info and images has pushed the project one more step towards completion. For all these contributions I believe Liam deserves to be rewarded. Congratulations, "old man". I'll have more work for you down the road.
Governor Tierra Suha'sen, 2015-03-24 10:27:22 UTC