Event Details

Event ID
Ceballa LightBringer
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Defender (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Master Windos
Primary reason

Ceballa is one hell of a stand up member. The MAA staff will already be well aware that he has met every requirement for promotion to Defender, so I won't do them (and Ceballa) a disservice by simply listing off everything on the list.

Ceb is, THE model member. He's only been part of the Brotherhood for six weeks and I already have 58 email conversations with his name on them. Competitions, Character Sheets, Shadow Academy Exams. He's been trying it all. He even took the initiative on his own accord to organize a clan wide competition for his fellow Clan-mates.

I very much see a future leader in Ceballa and this promotion is but a small step on that path.

Congratulations, Defender Ceballa.

Master Windos, 2015-05-11 02:01:00 UTC