Event Details

Event ID
Old Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Nikola Valtiere Erinos
Primary reason

In his 28 days as a Jedi Hunter, Kaiburr has swept through the requirements. He has participated in over 15 competitions, netting 6 merit awards for his skill. He not only participates, he has also co-organised a competition for his Clan. He's been an active gamer, receiving 90 clusters of Fire. He has worked hard developing his character, writing 3000 words of fiction to develop his character as he has risen through the brotherhood. Kaiburr has also been looking to his future in the brotherhood, participating in Leadership exams to understand the leaders of the Brotherhood. He has also managed to obtain a degree in the Shadow Academy, working hard to enrich his knowledge surrounding the Star Wars universe. He has gone above and beyond, assisting the summit in an important task that they assigned him.

Kaiburr has been an incredibly driven and competent individual. Every step of his walk through the journeyman ranks, Kaiburr has been involved with the rest of his Clan. He's been brimming with ideas, adding new fire to our Clan. He has always been present to go above and beyond. Not only is Kaiburr willing, but he is also very competent, as shown by his awards, and the success in the competition he co-organised.

For these reasons, I am honoured to recommend Kaiburr for promotion to Dark Jedi Knight. Congratulations, Kaiburr, you've earned it.

Rollmaster of Clan Arcona, and Kaiburr's Master

Nikola Valtiere Erinos, 2015-06-07 21:46:21 UTC
Additional reasons

There are few times I sincerely find myself without words. Even when lacking inspiration, it's no difficult practice to force the letters onto the page and make something legible and lovely of them. I might not feel it, but the phrases themselves have their own melody, their own meaning that gives even the most emotionless sentences a certain beauty if strung together adeptly. I wax on about this because it is now one of those rare occasions when I find myself struggling with speech - not because the inspiration isn't there, but because the subject of discussion is, himself, so difficult to capture in a few orderly pixels.

Kaiburr, or Mord, as we more readily recognize him. That's who I'm here to tell everyone about today. That's who I'm talking to now. Mord is one of our newest members, though for all his study and for the landmark we celebrate today, I would not call him a newbie. A lot of adjectives come to mind with him, and I've started and deleted several versions of this recommendation trying to put them together just right. But I don't think I have any fanciful comparisons for this. I can only be plain (or at least, as plain as I can get. Sorry MAA folks).

Mord is eager. He is absolutely boundless in his energy and imagination. He is the sort of person who sees boundaries and stopping points and just pushes past them, because he's too busy running for a brave new world to slow down. And while we might need to give a word of caution or wisdom now and then, he is never discouraged for long by closed doors - he just takes (or makes one) the window instead. That's the sort of zeal and positivity I get from him every single day when we chat. He is constantly cheery and conversational, constantly striving for more, for the next task, the next idea or proposal or thing to improve. He brings all sorts of suggestions to my door and to other members of the Clan, from detailed story concepts to developmental ideas. He's always talking to other people, always offering ToR runs or roleplay sessions for character development. And, on top of all that initiative and friendliness, he's also excited to learn. Nevermind the way this guy tears up at the Shadow Academy, he searches out teachers, lessons, advice, and ideas from anyone he can, writers or gamers or leaders, looking to expand his knowledge and better himself.

I don't exaggerate when I say that Mord goes above and beyond in everything he does. 98% simply isn't enough for him - quite literally, if you peek at his SA Exam record. He eventually retakes anything below 100. He writes entire, detailed report fictions for mock-up reports in leadership exams. He crafts 3000 word fiction posts for a competition where the minimum requirement is 250. I look at him and wonder, 'What in the world will he do next?' But I always know it will be something spectacular, because that's just Mord. He is, in a word, fantastic.

Congratulations, my friend, and welcome to Knighthood. I truly look forward to all that you learn, all that you do, and all that you think up next. Hold your head high.

Consul of Clan Arcona

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2015-06-07 21:45:35 UTC

Today I have the great honor of representing House Galeres in placing the rank of Dark Jedi Knight upon the shoulders of one of our own and most prestigious Journeymen: Kaiburr. This brother in arms has done his very best in learning the ways of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and has come so far in his training, having passed a total of forty-one Shadow Academy Exams during his time as Journeyman and attaining three degrees. Aside from this, his drive to complete competitions offered within his House, Clan and Brotherhood have netted him six Crescents, showing that his dedication towards friendly competition is priority to his nature as a Brotherhood member.

Mord, as we still know him by on IRC and various other channels of communication, has offered many different suggestions for bettering the House and Clan, including, but not limited to, creating calendar events, member skill databases and more. This proves to me that Kaiburr is one of those members that won’t stop until he’s had a hand in assisting any of the members within the House and/or Clan. Without members like Kaiburr in the Brotherhood, I would wonder where our club would be going, but with his drive and dedication to current and future members, I know we are in good hands.

Congratulations, Kaiburr. This has been one of the funnest journeys I have seen for one of our Journeymen, and I am glad to assist in granting you the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. Choose and wear your saber with pride, for you have earned it.

Quaestor of Galeres

Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel, 2015-06-07 21:44:19 UTC