Event Details

Event ID
Warlord Pel Tarentae
Dark Cross
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

Since I last recommended Pel for a Dark Cross a month ago, this veteran member of our Clan has continued to keep his nose to the grindstone and work for the betterment of Tarentum, even though he long ago earned the right to rest on his laurels. In the past month, Pel has taken and passed four more Shadow Academy courses (including Leadership Reports, which is by design not the easiest course in the SA), earned himself a Dark Maven in Leadership, and reached rank V in the Shadow Academy Society. He also received a Crescent with a Sapphire Star for placing second in a Clan-wide competition.

However, the real reason I feel Pel is more than deserving of this award is his continued mentorship of not only his incredibly talented and capable student, Itshim, but of the Clan as a whole. For example, he uploaded a veritable treasure trove of Tarentum documents - old plotlines, proposals, fiction, and numerous others - that he had so that the old timers in our Clan could reminiscence but, more importantly, our newer members could begin to appreciate the history of where Tarentum has come from. This was an incredible find and is worthy of a Dark Cross all on its own to my thinking. Thank you for your continued excellence, Pel - I know you're going to keep it up!

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2015-06-10 04:15:34 UTC