The description for the Amethyst Kukri talks about what it's awarded for, mentioning specifically single, worthwhile projects for the Staff of a Dark Council member. I can't think of anyone else at this time who embodies this, in my sight, as much as Rekio. Rekio has been working extensively on adapting a site to beta test the missions from back during Goat's Sith War, that were submitted as an event in that War. These missions have sat, and been nothing more than space in an email. His efforts have put together an impressive site (found at ) to allow members a chance to earn rewards for, and helping us test out these missions, and make them ready to release to the public.<br>
I'd also like to note that, Rekio has served as Praetor to three SHW's now, and has received little public praise to my knowledge. He's genuinely concerned with the function and growth of the Order, and spends what spare time he finds gathering potential information for usage in the revamped Shadow Academy courses, and brings me ideas daily, of what we might do to improve things. When I served as Consul of Tarentum, I could not have imagiend a better right hand man; I still can't see anyone else who would be more appropriate for my second.<br>
Rekio, I appreciate all that you do, and this is just a tangible mention of my thanks. Congratulations.<br>
-DJM Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae<br>
Sith High Warrior
, 2005-03-16 23:00:00 UTC