Event Details

Event ID
Grand Inquisitor Lizuni Heraga
Steel Cross
Requested by
Boss Morgan B. Sorenn
Primary reason

Since his promotion in March, Revak has continued to prove himself a stable and active leader in our Clan. As a member, he has participated in 16 competitions, including 3 from each of the Tales of New Tython and Sentinel Network Clan Events, and 9 competitions in the Feud with Clan Arcona, placing second in the Week 1 Fiction and Cooperative Fiction events and has earnt himself an Amethyst, an Emerald and three Ruby Crescents, and four Clusters of Ice.

As a leader, he has worked well with Seraphol to establish House Hoth’s lore, including the creation of the first part of the Butcher of Kamuekiko series of 3 competitions, detailing a savage menace that threatens both natives and Jedi at Fort Pernicar. This was supported by a fiction posted on our Discourse, setting the scene for this scenario. This is part of the overall Legends of Hoth arc, which he and Seraphol are writing together to feature various epic villains and scenarios that will be continuing the Hoth storyline, with the next installment concerning the Butcher to come soon. He has co-organized another 4 competitions for his House, helping with judging. His reports are on time, regular and informative, with a strong focus on member achievements and upcoming events.

For all of these efforts, I wish to award him with a Steel Cross, and I continue to look forward to what House Hoth’s future holds under his leadership.

Boss Morgan B. Sorenn, 2015-07-09 10:43:55 UTC
Additional reasons

When Revak was appointed as my AED I gave him one goal. Create content, and a fictional storyline for Hoth. After tossing around a few ideas he came to me with an idea for a 4 stage event (The Butcher storyline) in which the winner from each stage would play an important role in the next. He also came to me with a critical idea for the story, which I cannot include here as it would be a bit of a spoiler. He has also began to formulate our next series of events that he has named Legends of Hoth.

In that same vein he explained his want for each member who participates and wins large House events to become a part of House lore. In effect making each winner build the lore themselves.

He has also acted in the traditional role as my Deputy by stepping in during a 3 week absence I had to take to avoid burnout and to focus on school. During this time he ensured that every new recruit we received was met with a welcome email and instructions on how to get their next elevation within 24 hours, most of the time it was within 12 hours. He has also served as my advisor on BTL appointments and has on more than one occasion offered criticism to ideas or to my general idiocy. This shows signs of the becoming of a great leader when they show a superior what they are screwing up, why, and how to fix it.

I can honestly say that Revak has fulfilled the roles I laid out for him as AED and more. He is always ready to take the reins of leadership when I am unable and the membership doesnt even realize it until something is said by us. He is fully capable of becoming QUA, but until then Ill be glad to throw awards at him. Congrats on a very well earned Steel Cross my brother!

General Daniel Stephens, 2015-07-09 03:25:43 UTC