When I was in need of an Aedile during my time as Galeres’ Queastor, Ernordeth quickly appeared to apply and offer his assistance and support. When he was accepted, his drive to get things done was almost second nature, offering input on competitions, report sections, answering junior member questions and more. It’s that sort of member that we look towards when it comes to leadership. Ernordeth is always there, ready to assist and do what is asked of him and typically gets the work done in a timely fashion with great results.
When the Galeres needed an extended event created, Erno was tasked and came up with a multi-event competition known as Galeres’ Gladiators that included all aspects of the Brotherhood. The event was a success with many entries to each of the sub-events, showing that he is a leader and organizer of sound mind. Without his assistance, Galeres would have been bored and disinterested to the point of inactivity.
Thank you, Ernordeth, for your contributions to House Galeres and to the Clan as one of our forefront gamers. Keep up the fantastic work you do every day, and accept this token of our appreciation.
Arcia Cortel
Proconsul of Clan Arcona
Rear Admiral Arcia Cortel, 2015-07-10 20:01:48 UTC