Event Details

Event ID
Master Mune Cinteroph
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Mune has proven himself worthy of such a medal through his discipline and training of Apprentices. His most recent of which was I, Braecen Isradia. Mune took the time to help me progress from PRT to DJK and did so in record time. He introduced me and fueled my desire to complete SA courses and earn a spot as an EP. He forced me to work on character development competitions from sun up, til sundown... so that I knew my character with more depth. He was a harsh taskmaster that drove me to learn Clan History/Lore/Powers. His ambition and desire for me to succeed rubbed off as I became an AED and he taught me what a 'good' AED's duties/responsiblities are...

Master... thank you for pushing me everyday until I reached DJK, EP and AED... without your consistent leadership and push this never could have been attained...

, 2005-03-20 23:00:00 UTC